jmclawson / biblatex-mla

MLA-style citations and bibliographies using Biblatex
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\bibhang does not seem to comply with MLA standards #4

Closed kc9jud closed 11 years ago

kc9jud commented 11 years ago

The hanging indents in the bibliography don't seem to be 0.5in. However, calling \setlength{\bibhang}{0.5in} seems to set this correctly; I just don't know where to put it, otherwise I would submit a pull request. :-) I submitted a commit/pull request to the mla13 to fix this (, but it would be nicer to see this fixed here, since it seems to belong here more.

jmclawson commented 11 years ago

Thank you for this recommendation, too. Again, I'll have to take a closer look at how this affects the many updates I'm readying for the next version of biblatex-mla, which I'm currently finalizing. I'm sure it will be fixed in that version (most likely using your suggested change), but I need first to test it.

jmclawson commented 11 years ago

I commented over on the issue you raised with mla13, that redefining the \parindent before loading biblatex already fixes this issue. I'd rather not hard code an indentation size into biblatex-mla, as these files are more about presenting citations and references correctly, and other packages (like mla13) are about formatting them pages in a particular way. Both matters are certainly defined by the MLA Style Book, but a journal's internal formatting will often override the MLA's guidelines, while keeping the Association's system of referencing. (For example, I can't think of any journal printed double-spaced.)