Closed maxmezzomo closed 1 week ago
Could you show an example of how you are currently having to handle it, with the match statement etc.
Yes for sure, this is my current use case
if let Some(ci) = ci {
let filter_condition = FilterCondition::new();
let filter_condition_with_filter = match &filter.value {
SqlValue::I32(value) => {
.add_custom_filter(filter.operator.clone().into(), value.clone())
SqlValue::String(value) => {
.add_custom_filter(filter.operator.clone().into(), value.as_str())
SqlValue::Date(value) => {
SqlValue::DateTime(value) => {
//value: NaiveDateTime
SqlValue::Numeric(value) => {
.add_custom_filter(filter.operator.clone().into(), value.to_f64().unwrap())
SqlValue::Bool(value) => {
worksheet.filter_column(ci as u16, &filter_condition_with_filter)?;
For some context:
Similarly, to go from my filter operator format to xlsxwriter I have
impl From<FilterOperator> for FilterCriteria {
fn from(value: FilterOperator) -> Self {
match value {
FilterOperator::Gt => FilterCriteria::GreaterThan,
FilterOperator::Gte => FilterCriteria::GreaterThanOrEqualTo,
FilterOperator::Lt => FilterCriteria::LessThan,
FilterOperator::Lte => FilterCriteria::LessThanOrEqualTo,
FilterOperator::Like => FilterCriteria::Contains,
_ => todo!(),
So am thinking maybe something similar could be done for values and FilterData. Thanks
Thanks for the example. That seems reasonable.
I've made the required helper functions public on main. You should now have the tools to implement IntoFilterData
for your type. Here is an example with a new type:
use rust_xlsxwriter::{
FilterCondition, FilterCriteria, FilterData, Format, IntoFilterData, Workbook, Worksheet,
struct MyType {
value: f64,
impl IntoFilterData for MyType {
fn new_filter_data(&self, criteria: FilterCriteria) -> FilterData {
FilterData::new_number_and_criteria(self.value, criteria)
fn main() -> Result<(), XlsxError> {
// Create a new Excel file object.
let mut workbook = Workbook::new();
// Add a worksheet with some sample data to filter.
let worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet();
populate_autofilter_data(worksheet, false)?;
// Set the autofilter area for numbers greater than 8000.
worksheet.autofilter(0, 0, 50, 3)?;
let my_instance = MyType { value: 8000.0 };
// Set a custom number filter.
let filter_condition =
FilterCondition::new().add_custom_filter(FilterCriteria::GreaterThan, my_instance);
worksheet.filter_column(2, &filter_condition)?;
// Save the file to disk."gh116.xlsx")?;
// Generate worksheet data to filter on.
pub fn populate_autofilter_data(
worksheet: &mut Worksheet,
add_blanks: bool,
) -> Result<(), XlsxError> {
// The sample data to add to the worksheet.
let mut data = vec![
("East", "Apple", 9000, "July"),
("East", "Apple", 5000, "April"),
("South", "Orange", 9000, "September"),
("North", "Apple", 2000, "November"),
("West", "Apple", 9000, "November"),
("South", "Pear", 7000, "October"),
("North", "Pear", 9000, "August"),
("West", "Orange", 1000, "December"),
("West", "Grape", 1000, "November"),
("South", "Pear", 10000, "April"),
("West", "Grape", 6000, "January"),
("South", "Orange", 3000, "May"),
("North", "Apple", 3000, "December"),
("South", "Apple", 7000, "February"),
("West", "Grape", 1000, "December"),
("East", "Grape", 8000, "February"),
("South", "Grape", 10000, "June"),
("West", "Pear", 7000, "December"),
("South", "Apple", 2000, "October"),
("East", "Grape", 7000, "December"),
("North", "Grape", 6000, "July"),
("East", "Pear", 8000, "February"),
("North", "Apple", 7000, "August"),
("North", "Orange", 7000, "July"),
("North", "Apple", 6000, "June"),
("South", "Grape", 8000, "September"),
("West", "Apple", 3000, "October"),
("South", "Orange", 10000, "November"),
("West", "Grape", 4000, "December"),
("North", "Orange", 5000, "August"),
("East", "Orange", 1000, "November"),
("East", "Orange", 4000, "October"),
("North", "Grape", 5000, "August"),
("East", "Apple", 1000, "July"),
("South", "Apple", 10000, "March"),
("East", "Grape", 7000, "October"),
("West", "Grape", 1000, "September"),
("East", "Grape", 10000, "October"),
("South", "Orange", 8000, "March"),
("North", "Apple", 4000, "July"),
("South", "Orange", 5000, "July"),
("West", "Apple", 4000, "June"),
("East", "Apple", 5000, "April"),
("North", "Pear", 3000, "August"),
("East", "Grape", 9000, "November"),
("North", "Orange", 8000, "October"),
("East", "Apple", 10000, "June"),
("South", "Pear", 1000, "December"),
("North", "Grape", 10000, "July"),
("East", "Grape", 6000, "February"),
// Introduce blanks cells for some of the examples.
if add_blanks {
data[5].0 = "";
data[18].0 = "";
data[30].0 = "";
data[40].0 = "";
// Widen the columns for clarity.
worksheet.set_column_width(0, 12)?;
worksheet.set_column_width(1, 12)?;
worksheet.set_column_width(2, 12)?;
worksheet.set_column_width(3, 12)?;
// Write the header titles.
let header_format = Format::new().set_bold();
worksheet.write_string_with_format(0, 0, "Region", &header_format)?;
worksheet.write_string_with_format(0, 1, "Item", &header_format)?;
worksheet.write_string_with_format(0, 2, "Volume", &header_format)?;
worksheet.write_string_with_format(0, 3, "Month", &header_format)?;
// Write the other worksheet data.
for (row, data) in data.iter().enumerate() {
let row = 1 + row as u32;
worksheet.write_string(row, 0, data.0)?;
worksheet.write_string(row, 1, data.1)?;
worksheet.write_number(row, 2, data.2)?;
worksheet.write_string(row, 3, data.3)?;
You can test it by adding the GitHub repo to your Cargo.toml
cargo add --git rust_xlsxwriter
Let me know how you get on and I'll roll it up into a release.
Fantastic, this look great, I'll give it a go and let you know how it goes. Thanks!
Hi, I tried it out and seems to work well, thanks for the quick update!
Added in rust_xlsxwriter v0.79.3
Feature Request
Hi, it seems currently there is no straightforward way, at least that I have come across, to allow implementing IntoFilterData on custom types. I understand the IntoFilterData behavior is perhaps not complete so the new_filter_data fn is private. In my case I have an enum representing many different data types and writing match statements can be get verbose quickly if we have to write
in each arms of the match statement. Would like to hear any thoughts regarding this and whether the trait functions could either be made public or whether we could find some way to streamline this.