jmcnamara / rust_xlsxwriter

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feature request: Could serialize_chrono_naive_to_excel() accept Option<T>? #62

Closed claudiofsr closed 7 months ago

claudiofsr commented 7 months ago

Feature Request


Please see:

I have:

#[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct InfoEFinanceira {
    #[serde(rename = "Ano/Mês Caixa Reportado")]
    pub ano_mes_caixa: Option<NaiveDate>,
    #[serde(rename = "Balanço da Conta: Total de Débitos")]
    pub tot_debitos: f64,

I try use

#[serde(rename = "Ano/Mês Caixa Reportado", serialize_with = "serialize_chrono_naive_to_excel")]

but I have ano_mes_caixa: Option<NaiveDate>.

Could serialize_chrono_naive_to_excel() accept Option<T>?


jmcnamara commented 7 months ago

Could serialize_chrono_naive_to_excel() accept Option<T>?

Yes. Or at least I can add a second function to do Option<T>. Would that work for you?

claudiofsr commented 7 months ago

Both possibilities are good!


jmcnamara commented 7 months ago

Both possibilities are good!

I may implement both but as a first pass I implemented the second option and added a serialize_chrono_option_naive_to_excel function.

Can you try that in your use case and let me know how you get on.

claudiofsr commented 7 months ago

I tested it with my data and serialize_chrono_option_naive_to_excel worked perfectly.


jmcnamara commented 7 months ago

This is upstream in Cargo in v0.53.0. Thanks for the suggestion and testing.