jmederosalvarado / roslyn.nvim

Roslyn LSP plugin for neovim
MIT License
191 stars 33 forks source link

Support LSP semanticTokens #34

Open StefanFanaru opened 1 month ago

StefanFanaru commented 1 month ago

I know that this new LSP from Microsoft supports semantic tokens, but the usage of this library in neovim is not able to deliver them. Is there a way to enable them?

What I underlined with red should have been colored with red because they are parameters. What I underlined with yellow should have been yellow because they are Types. image

daver32 commented 4 weeks ago

It looks like nvim and roslyn don't yet support a common request type when it comes to semantic highlights:

daver32 commented 4 weeks ago

Here's a little hack you can put in your on_attach to get semantic tokens:

on_attach = function(client)
  -- make sure this happens once per client, not per buffer
  if not client.is_hacked then
    client.is_hacked = true

    -- let the runtime know the server can do semanticTokens/full now
    client.server_capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", client.server_capabilities, {
      semanticTokensProvider = {
        full = true,

    -- monkey patch the request proxy
    local request_inner = client.request
    client.request = function(method, params, handler)
      if method ~= vim.lsp.protocol.Methods.textDocument_semanticTokens_full then
        return request_inner(method, params, handler)

      local function find_buf_by_uri(search_uri)
        local bufs = vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()
        for _, buf in ipairs(bufs) do
          local name = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf)
          local uri = "file://" .. name
          if uri == search_uri then
            return buf

      local doc_uri = params.textDocument.uri

      local target_bufnr = find_buf_by_uri(doc_uri)
      local line_count = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(target_bufnr)
      local last_line = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(target_bufnr, line_count - 1, line_count, true)[1]

      return request_inner("textDocument/semanticTokens/range", {
        textDocument = params.textDocument,
        range = {
          ["start"] = {
            line = 0,
            character = 0,
          ["end"] = {
            line = line_count - 1,
            character = string.len(last_line) - 1,
      }, handler)

It translates textDocument/semanticTokens/full to textDocument/semanticTokens/range and back. I can put it in a PR later if wanted.

StefanFanaru commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you a lot for your reply and for the workaround. Unfortunatley I can't get it to work, maybe i'm missing something

I did it like this inside lsp config:

                dotnet_cmd = "dotnet",
                roslyn_version = "4.11.0-1.24209.10",
                on_attach = function(client)
                    -- make sure this happens once per client, not per buffer
                    if not client.is_hacked then
                        client.is_hacked = true

                        -- let the runtime know the server can do semanticTokens/full now
                        client.server_capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", client.server_capabilities, {
                            semanticTokensProvider = {
                                full = true,

                        -- monkey patch the request proxy
                        local request_inner = client.request
                        client.request = function(method, params, handler)
                            if method ~= vim.lsp.protocol.Methods.textDocument_semanticTokens_full then
                                return request_inner(method, params, handler)

                            local function find_buf_by_uri(search_uri)
                                local bufs = vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()
                                for _, buf in ipairs(bufs) do
                                    local name = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf)
                                    local uri = "file://" .. name
                                    if uri == search_uri then
                                        return buf

                            local doc_uri = params.textDocument.uri

                            local target_bufnr = find_buf_by_uri(doc_uri)
                            local line_count = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(target_bufnr)
                            local last_line =
                                vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(target_bufnr, line_count - 1, line_count, true)[1]

                            return request_inner("textDocument/semanticTokens/range", {
                                textDocument = params.textDocument,
                                range = {
                                    ["start"] = {
                                        line = 0,
                                        character = 0,
                                    ["end"] = {
                                        line = line_count - 1,
                                        character = string.len(last_line) - 1,
                            }, handler)
                capabilities = capabilities,
                settings = {
                    ["csharp|inlay_hints"] = {
                        csharp_enable_inlay_hints_for_lambda_parameter_types = true,
                        csharp_enable_inlay_hints_for_implicit_object_creation = true,
                        csharp_enable_inlay_hints_for_implicit_variable_types = true,
                        csharp_enable_inlay_hints_for_types = true,
                        dotnet_enable_inlay_hints_for_indexer_parameters = true,
                        dotnet_enable_inlay_hints_for_literal_parameters = true,
                        dotnet_enable_inlay_hints_for_object_creation_parameters = true,
                        dotnet_enable_inlay_hints_for_other_parameters = true,
                        dotnet_enable_inlay_hints_for_parameters = true,
                        dotnet_suppress_inlay_hints_for_parameters_that_differ_only_by_suffix = true,
                        dotnet_suppress_inlay_hints_for_parameters_that_match_argument_name = true,
                        dotnet_suppress_inlay_hints_for_parameters_that_match_method_intent = true,
Crashdummyy commented 3 days ago

Any update on this one ?

It used to work using that config for a while but now it suddenly stopped.

    event = "User csFile",
    config = function()
        dotnet_cmd = "dotnet", -- this is the default
        roslyn_version = "4.12.0-1.24329.2", -- this is the default
        on_attach = function(client)
  -- make sure this happens once per client, not per buffer
  if not client.is_hacked then
    client.is_hacked = true

    -- let the runtime know the server can do semanticTokens/full now
    client.server_capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", client.server_capabilities, {
      semanticTokensProvider = {
        full = true,

    -- monkey patch the request proxy
    local request_inner = client.request
    client.request = function(method, params, handler)
      if method ~= vim.lsp.protocol.Methods.textDocument_semanticTokens_full then
        return request_inner(method, params, handler)

      local function find_buf_by_uri(search_uri)
        local bufs = vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()
        for _, buf in ipairs(bufs) do
          local name = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf)
          local uri = "file://" .. name
          if uri == search_uri then
            return buf

      local doc_uri = params.textDocument.uri

      local target_bufnr = find_buf_by_uri(doc_uri)
      local line_count = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(target_bufnr)
      local last_line = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(target_bufnr, line_count - 1, line_count, true)[1]

      return request_inner("textDocument/semanticTokens/range", {
        textDocument = params.textDocument,
        range = {
          ["start"] = {
            line = 0,
            character = 0,
          ["end"] = {
            line = line_count - 1,
            character = string.len(last_line) - 1,
      }, handler)

EDIT: Okay it apppears like on_attach is not invoked anymore. So I guess once I get this done it'll start working again. EDIT2: The latest update fixes this issue :)

Crashdummyy commented 3 days ago

Here's a little hack you can put in your on_attach to get semantic tokens:

on_attach = function(client)
  -- make sure this happens once per client, not per buffer
  if not client.is_hacked then
    client.is_hacked = true

    -- let the runtime know the server can do semanticTokens/full now
    client.server_capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", client.server_capabilities, {
      semanticTokensProvider = {
        full = true,

    -- monkey patch the request proxy
    local request_inner = client.request
    client.request = function(method, params, handler)
      if method ~= vim.lsp.protocol.Methods.textDocument_semanticTokens_full then
        return request_inner(method, params, handler)

      local function find_buf_by_uri(search_uri)
        local bufs = vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()
        for _, buf in ipairs(bufs) do
          local name = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf)
          local uri = "file://" .. name
          if uri == search_uri then
            return buf

      local doc_uri = params.textDocument.uri

      local target_bufnr = find_buf_by_uri(doc_uri)
      local line_count = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(target_bufnr)
      local last_line = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(target_bufnr, line_count - 1, line_count, true)[1]

      return request_inner("textDocument/semanticTokens/range", {
        textDocument = params.textDocument,
        range = {
          ["start"] = {
            line = 0,
            character = 0,
          ["end"] = {
            line = line_count - 1,
            character = string.len(last_line) - 1,
      }, handler)

It translates textDocument/semanticTokens/full to textDocument/semanticTokens/range and back. I can put it in a PR later if wanted.

This monkeypatch appears to work in my case but I've got one weird problem. Whenever I open a file I need to toggle the syntax on and off for it to work.



iamim commented 1 day ago

Here's a little hack you can put in your on_attach to get semantic tokens:

on_attach = function(client)
  -- make sure this happens once per client, not per buffer
  if not client.is_hacked then
    client.is_hacked = true

    -- let the runtime know the server can do semanticTokens/full now
    client.server_capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", client.server_capabilities, {
      semanticTokensProvider = {
        full = true,

    -- monkey patch the request proxy
    local request_inner = client.request
    client.request = function(method, params, handler)
      if method ~= vim.lsp.protocol.Methods.textDocument_semanticTokens_full then
        return request_inner(method, params, handler)

      local function find_buf_by_uri(search_uri)
        local bufs = vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()
        for _, buf in ipairs(bufs) do
          local name = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf)
          local uri = "file://" .. name
          if uri == search_uri then
            return buf

      local doc_uri = params.textDocument.uri

      local target_bufnr = find_buf_by_uri(doc_uri)
      local line_count = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(target_bufnr)
      local last_line = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(target_bufnr, line_count - 1, line_count, true)[1]

      return request_inner("textDocument/semanticTokens/range", {
        textDocument = params.textDocument,
        range = {
          ["start"] = {
            line = 0,
            character = 0,
          ["end"] = {
            line = line_count - 1,
            character = string.len(last_line) - 1,
      }, handler)

It translates textDocument/semanticTokens/full to textDocument/semanticTokens/range and back. I can put it in a PR later if wanted.

This monkeypatch appears to work in my case but I've got one weird problem. Whenever I open a file I need to toggle the syntax on and off for it to work.



Could it have something to do with the lazy events you load your LSP with?

Crashdummyy commented 1 day ago

No I started clean. Maybe it's something weird with my solution I dont konw.

Yaml files started having this issue as well. Theres something in this directories really messing up treesitter but I think I'll get it handled.

Btw I started uploading the lsp builds to a github repository once a day if that is of any interest to you