jmej / MIDI2DMX

Circuits and patches for MIDI control over DMX lights
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Component equivalence #10

Open EduardoVC-music opened 2 years ago

EduardoVC-music commented 2 years ago

Hello there,

I'm located in Mexicn & can't get some the exact components required for this project. Is it possible to make the following substitutions?

  1. the MAX487ECPA+ with a MAX485ESA+ ?

2.the H11l1 with the MOC3023S-TA1

Apologies in advance if this doesn't make much sense. I'm a composer taking a shot at building circuits :P

jmej commented 2 years ago

Hi @EduardoVC-music

  1. The MAX485ESA+ part you linked appears SMD/SMT - so this will not fit on the board. You need a DIP (through-hole) part. For Estilo de montaje you want to see "through hole" "DIP" DIP 8" or "Dual Inline Packge".

  2. This part you linked is also SMD - so same problem. But there may be more issues with this one. Do you require the hardware midi port? The optocoupler can be left off if you don't need it. If you do need it, there isn't really a substitute for the (sadly out of production) PC900 - but they can be found on ebay and other places. I don't think the H11|1 is in the bom for this project - but I assume you were looking for a replacement for the pc900. I hope this helps!

EduardoVC-music commented 2 years ago

I was looking for a substitute indeed. Well, I'll keep searching for options. Thanks for the feedback!

jmej commented 2 years ago

The next rev of the board will have an in-print substitution (6N138) on it - but I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to finishing that. If you want to roll your own design or build it on a breadboard you could follow the schematic outlined here for the MIDI port: -- and again - if you only want to use USB midi you don't need that chip at all. I've built a lot of boards without it entirely and they work great.