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What microcontroller(s) will be we using to interface with sensors? #16

Open J-Alps opened 2 years ago

annalisarose commented 2 years ago

I think Teensyduino for the midi compatibility

abbymachines commented 2 years ago

i agree that the teensy is probably a good call, unless other folks like working with other microcontrollers! but i have experience with the teensy and figure other people likely do as well. the MIDI compatibility is very useful on the teensy too, i think that's why we learn with them in Microcontrollers 1 at pcc.

website for the teensy:

annalisarose commented 2 years ago

Jesse mentioned raspberry pis might be better for OSC messaging, I'll have to investigate. We should also draft a plan for what sensors we'll be using (besides pushbuttons). Should we use this issue to track that?

annalisarose commented 2 years ago

E.g. I've heard talk of piezos