jmej / capstone2022

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Cartoonish Computer #20

Open kenda-llc opened 2 years ago

kenda-llc commented 2 years ago

For the Unity gallery activation, I want to build a shell around the TV monitor that alters it in an unexpected way. Maybe mimics silver letter texture and shape. I also have been considering making a collage installation similar to our iSpy concept with a lot of objects that represent play or comfort to me. A consideration for this is fire safety of materials, ventilation for computer and TV monitor, and including space for computer to be hidden and not disturb the illusion we are building.

I want to know what controller we want to use. Do we want a classic console controller that is handheld with a toggle and buttons? Do we want to use a keyboard and mouse? Do we want to use a mouse and have some nontraditional arrow keys and separate out the keyboard concept to another program?

kenda-llc commented 2 years ago

Front is 24 inches across with some bowing/curvature. Sides are about 24 inches across at an angle that is less steep than 45 degrees. The back is about 20 inches tall, but I may just leave that at 24 inches and have the empty space contribute to airflow/ventilation.

We are looking at the core of the shell being a 24" cube

there should be design elements that I can add onto the shell after installation to obscure some of the edges or gaps where the shell meets the TV.

What sculptural materials would be light weight enough and strong enough to transport and support the TV, while also being very cautious about flammability since the TV will be running for the duration of the installation, and older TV's warm up more than modern TV's