jmej / capstone2022

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Virtual Unity version of everything #7

Open jmej opened 2 years ago

kenda-llc commented 2 years ago

Not sure how to assign myself here, but I am ready to join lol

kenda-llc commented 2 years ago

Something that would be really helpful to get this going would be to have someone on campus to go into the paragon and get as many photos taken of the space as possible. Inside and out. That will help me to go in and recreate those aspects in unity. I am sick this week so I wont be able to do that.

kenda-llc commented 2 years ago

I am looking for the paragon schematics that we saw earlier this week. It would help me with proportions when recreating the space.

kenda-llc commented 2 years ago

Need pictures of hallway between rooms. Double check that I have photos of every wall and corner.

kenda-llc commented 2 years ago

Do we want to access outside? I think no. So close doors to front. What to do with windows? Make opaque or attempt to represent exterior to view through windows?

kenda-llc commented 2 years ago

Comically large keyboard brings us to comically large computer/game display for the Unity program. We are veering away from VR interaction and are leaning towards a nostalgic tv experience with the big tv. As well as possibly daisy chaining the other TVs to play the same content as well. Possibly in other rooms or in a sculptural cluster like tv sculptures by Nam June Paik.

The facade of the TV/ game moniter will be covered with a sculptural shell of some sort to add the the illusion and curiosity of the space. I am thinking of some sort of collage of natural elements or bursting shapes out from the square cover to change the audiences understanding of the shape. This will be on a table of some sort.

kenda-llc commented 2 years ago

Unity game interaction point on large classic TV monitor rather than VR interaction. More nostalgic or unique experience. Sound is annoying and should be put in separate space from essential sound design projects. Shell of tv or game monitor obscured into unique sculptural experience. Connected game through hdmi converter to red, yellow, white wire thing for old TV, jesse provided this (i think there is two). It works great and I am obsessed. Looks kick ass (to use my words of the day). Need to install a player controller into the space asap. What will the players look like? jesse and I were thinking 3D models of the letter assets we discussed in the other threads.

Do we want to interface the game through keyboard and mouse controls or game controller. Do we want these to be standard or unique/comical versions? I am definently pro weird.

kenda-llc commented 2 years ago

Getting progress pictures or concept sketches of final plans from each group is essential. My goal is to get this next week at some time so I can include some representation in the space in case we run out of time at the end

kenda-llc commented 2 years ago

set up meeting with Matthew Henderson and Jesse to discuss possiblity of people tracking in room and pluggin that data into unity have representations of people in the game from the actual space. More immersive. People represented by large 3D letters from our font. No hands or rigging. Our hope is maybe people form words with each other.

kenda-llc commented 2 years ago

Screen record entire game play so that we have an archive of the interactions and event. We can take clips from this for archiving event or publication. We should record some prototypes early so that we can push these to social media and advertise the event.

kenda-llc commented 2 years ago

Ignore front of gallery until Thursday when we confirm blackout curtains. At that point we will need to get pictures of what the curtains would look like drawn so I can build that into the gallery space. I have also decided that even if there are no blackout curtains that I am not going to construct the exterior of the paragon for this project in order to save time and CPU resources.

kenda-llc commented 2 years ago

Okay update: -Paragon Digital Twin is almost entirely done except one type of lights, the outlets, and some extra wires. Will be fine to run as is even. -PLAYER CONTROLLER IS IN. I am using the model Michelle from if you want to take a look. I also considered the model Amy ebcause I think either fits our color scheme and concept well. I ended up using michelle since I have worked with that file before. -This coming week my focus is to build out interactions, UI, title screen, and incorporating representations of everyone elses work. To help me with this I am looking to get an updated look at the gallery layout plan, code/interaction plans of each project, and any OBJ files that folks are using in the button plan (which i think is only the mouse at this point).
-I also think it would be cute to add in some colored pages from us. So if anyone has some spare time, then color in one of our black and white printed out posters and send me that picture. I want to put them up on the walls or something within the game.