Data should be treated as either cp1250, cp1251 or cp1252, and ideally this should be determined based on the encoding in openmw.cfg.
E.g. any plugins with non-ascii characters in their filename will cause an error when openmw loads OMWLLF.omwaddon, as no matching master file would be found.
This could also affect the contents of the levelled lists, as that information could also contain non-ascii data.
Okay, I realised that omwllf only adds the masters of plugins that it uses, not the plugins themselves, so it won't fail directly on the example I gave above, but the problem in general still stands.
Data should be treated as either
, and ideally this should be determined based on the encoding in openmw.cfg.E.g. any plugins with non-ascii characters in their filename will cause an error when openmw loads OMWLLF.omwaddon, as no matching master file would be found.
This could also affect the contents of the levelled lists, as that information could also contain non-ascii data. is an example of a mod which causes this problem, as the plugin name is
Wait and Sleep for OpenMW ± Standard Version.omwaddon