jmelosegui / GooglemapMvc

The control wraps Google maps API simplifying the use of Google maps in ASP.NET MVC applications.
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Updating model with latitude and longitude #135

Open dark-equinox opened 7 years ago

dark-equinox commented 7 years ago

Is there a way to update the model with the latitude and longitude from the geocoding service on the view? I am sending address to geocode, displaying on map. I would like to not make two calls to service to get the lat and long and update my form. @(Html.GoogleMap() .Name("map") .Width(200) .Height(200) .Center(c => c.Address(Model.Street + " " + Model.City + ", " + Model.State)) .Markers(m => m.Add().Title(Model.Street)) .Zoom(13)

I am new to MVC so I appreciate any help you can provide.

dark-equinox commented 7 years ago

Ok, so after going through all the issues, I can see that you can subscribe to event listeners. What I want to do is get the lat and long from a single marker and on dragend event show the lat and long on the form at dragend to save to database. the example I found was doing it server side, I want to handle this client side.


Micnick commented 7 years ago

Hi, do you have a example, I need update model from my map, and show it, in edit View, but the binding property no load the custom marker

<div style="height:100%; width:100%;"> @{ Html.GoogleMap() .Name("map") .Height(420) .MapTypeId(MapType.Hybrid) .ClientEvents(events => events .OnMapClick("mapClick") .OnMapLoaded("mapLoaded") ) .BindTo<WebApi.Models.RegionInfoModel,Marker> (pinInfo,mappings => mappings.For<WebApi.Models.RegionInfoModel> ( binding => binding.ItemDataBound ( (marker,regionInfo) => { marker.Latitude = regionInfo.Latitude; marker.Longitude = regionInfo.Longitude; marker.Title = regionInfo.Title; marker.ZIndex = regionInfo.ZIndex; marker.Clickable = true; } ) ) ) .Zoom(12) .ApiKey("zzz") .Center(c => c.UseCurrentPosition()) .Render(); } </div>