jmelosegui / GooglemapMvc

The control wraps Google maps API simplifying the use of Google maps in ASP.NET MVC applications.
MIT License
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trailing, fading dots #142

Closed papyr closed 2 years ago

papyr commented 7 years ago

Hi how do I show trailing fading dots of a jogger?

jmelosegui commented 7 years ago

I don't understand your question (English is not my primary language). Could you provide more details or maybe a working sample from the google map api site?

papyr commented 7 years ago

Hi, basically display dots to form a trial

The newer dots will be brighter, older dots will be lighter and completely disappear on the map, so it fades away.

Only recent will show, that way the map is clean and not over crowded with lines. Hope this helps

papyr commented 7 years ago

Hi, this might help - it has the code

jmelosegui commented 2 years ago

Not sure if this is specific to this component. Atm, it is not supported. I am sure you could use multiple features from google maps.

  1. A combination of data bindings with custom images for the markers depending on some sort of date.
  2. Also maybe you could consider using the heat map sample not exactly the same but some approximation.