Hi there, love you GooglemapMvc, just having one problem, display icon's on maps but only when trying to display multiple points when data binding to a model
Visual Studio 2015
@using Jmelosegui.Mvc.GoogleMap
binding => binding.ItemDataBound
(marker, geoLocation) =>
marker.Latitude = geoLocation.Latitude;
marker.Longitude = geoLocation.Longitude;
marker.Title = geoLocation.Title;
marker.ZIndex = geoLocation.zIndex;
marker.Icon = new MarkerImage(String.Format("~/Content/icon/{0}", geoLocation.ImagePath)
, new Size(32, 32)
, new Point(0, 0)
, new Point(0, 0));
marker.Window = new InfoWindow(marker)
Now if i remove the "marker.Icon" line and data the map and points display, but if i try and add the markers i get this error
Hi there, love you GooglemapMvc, just having one problem, display icon's on maps but only when trying to display multiple points when data binding to a model
Visual Studio 2015
Now if i remove the "marker.Icon" line and data the map and points display, but if i try and add the markers i get this error
Any assistance appreciated