This is an automatically created issue which contains information about the version status of the documentations available on DevDocs. The results of this report can be used by maintainers when updating outdated documentations.
Maintainers can close this issue when all documentations are up-to-date. This issue is automatically closed when the next report is created.
The 146 documentations are divided as follows:
47 that are outdated
34 that are up-to-date (patch updates are ignored)
65 that could not be checked
Outdated documentations (47)
Documentation | Scraper version | Latest version
Angular | 6.0.4 | 7.2.8
Angular.js | 1.6.6 | 1.7.7
Babel | 6.26.1 | 7.3.0
Backbone.js | 1.3.3 | 1.4.0
Bash | 4.4 | 5.0
Bootstrap | 4.1.3 | 4.3
CakePHP | 3.6.2 | 3.7
Chai | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0
Clojure | 1.9 | 1.10
CMake | 3.12.1 | 3.14
CodeceptJS | 1.4.4 | 2.0.7
D | 2.083.0 | 2.085.0
D3.js | 5.7.0 | 5.9.1
Dart | 2.0.0 | 2.2.0
Docker | 17.06 | 18.09
Drupal | 8.1.7 | 8.6
Electron | 2.0.2 | 4.0.8
Elixir | 1.7.3 | 1.8.1
Ember.js | 2.15.0 | 3.8
ESLint | 5.8.0 | 5.15.1
Fish | 2.7.1 | 3.0.1
Flow | 0.85.0 | 0.94.0
GCC | 7.3.0 | 8.3
Git | 2.19.1 | 2.21.0
GNU Fortran | 7.3.0 | 8.3
Go | 1.11.2 | 1.12
Grunt | 1.0.1 | 1.3.2
Handlebars.js | 4.0.12 | 4.1.0
Homebrew | 1.8.1 | 2.0.3
Immutable.js | 3.8.1 | 4.0.0-rc.12
InfluxData | 1.3 | 1.7
Jekyll | 3.7.2 | 3.8.5
Jest | 23.5.0 | 24.1
Julia | 1.0.1 | 1.1.0
Knockout.js | 3.4.2 | 3.5.0
Koa | 2.6.1 | 2.7.0
Kotlin | 1.2.41 | 1.3.21
Laravel | 5.7.7 | 5.8.3
Leaflet | 1.3.4 | 1.4.0
Less | 2.7.2 | 3.9.0
LÖVE | 0.10.2 | 11.2
Meteor | 1.5.2 | 1.8
Mocha | 5.2.0 | 6.0.2
Modernizr | 3.5.0 | 3.7.0
Moment.js | 2.22.1 | 2.24.0
Mongoose | 4.13.1 | 5.4.18
Ruby | 2.5.3 | 2.6.1
Up-to-date documentations (34)
Documentation | Scraper version | Latest version
Ansible | 2.7.1 | 2.7
Apache HTTP Server | 2.4.37 | 2.4
Apache Pig | 0.17.0 | 0.17.0
Async | 2.6.1 | 2.6.1
Bluebird | 3.5.1 | 3.5.3
Bottle | 0.12.13 | 0.12
Bower | 1.8.4 | 1.8.8
Chef | 12.13 | 12.13
Codeception | 2.5.1 | 2.5.4
CodeIgniter | 3.1.8 | 3.1.10
CoffeeScript | 2.3.0 | 2.3.2
Cordova | 8.1.2 | 8
Crystal | 0.27.0 | 0.27.2
Django | 2.1.0 | 2.1
Dojo | 1.10 | 1.10
Erlang | 21.0 | OTP 21.2
Express | 4.16.3 | 4.16.4
Falcon | 1.4.1 | 1.4.1
Godot | 3.0.6 | 3.0
Graphite | 1.1.4 | 1.1.5
Haskell | 8.6.1 | 8.6.4
Haxe | 3.4.7 | 3.4.7
Jasmine | 3.3.0 | 3.3.0
jQuery | 3.3.1 | 3.3.1
jQuery Mobile | 1.4.5 | 1.4.5
jQuery UI | 1.12.1 | 1.12.1
JSDoc | 3.5.5 | 3.5.5
Liquid | 4.0.0 | 4.0.2
lodash | 4.17.10 | 4.17.11
Lua | 5.3.4 | 5.3
Marionette.js | 4.0.0 | 4.0.0
Matplotlib | 3.0.0 | 3.0.3
Ruby / Minitest | 5.11.3 | 5.11.3
Ruby on Rails | 5.2.2 | 5.2.2
Documentations that could not be checked (65)
Documentation | Reason
C | `options[:release]` does not exist
C++ | `options[:release]` does not exist
CSS | `options[:release]` does not exist
DOM | `options[:release]` does not exist
DOM Events | `options[:release]` does not exist
HTML | `options[:release]` does not exist
HTTP | `options[:release]` does not exist
JavaScript | `options[:release]` does not exist
Markdown | `options[:release]` does not exist
nginx | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
nginx / Lua Module | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Nim | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Node.js | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Nokogiri | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
npm | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
NumPy | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
OpenJDK | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
OpenTSDB | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Padrino | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
pandas | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Perl | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Phalcon | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Phaser | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Phoenix | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
PHP | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
PHPUnit | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
PostgreSQL | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Pug | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Puppeteer | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Pygame | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Python | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Q | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Qt | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Ramda | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
React | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
ReactNative | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Redis | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Redux | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Relay | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
RequireJS | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
RethinkDB | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Rust | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Sass | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
scikit-image | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
scikit-learn | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Sinon.JS | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Socket.IO | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
SQLite | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Statsmodels | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Support Tables | `options[:release]` does not exist
SVG | `options[:release]` does not exist
Symfony | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Tcl/Tk | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
TensorFlow | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Terraform | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Twig | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
TypeScript | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Underscore.js | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Vagrant | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Vue.js | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Vulkan | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
webpack | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
XSLT & XPath | `options[:release]` does not exist
Yarn | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
Yii | `get_latest_version` is not implemented
What is this?
This is an automatically created issue which contains information about the version status of the documentations available on DevDocs. The results of this report can be used by maintainers when updating outdated documentations.
Maintainers can close this issue when all documentations are up-to-date. This issue is automatically closed when the next report is created.
The 146 documentations are divided as follows:
Outdated documentations (47)
Documentation | Scraper version | Latest version -|-|- Angular | 6.0.4 | 7.2.8 Angular.js | 1.6.6 | 1.7.7 Babel | 6.26.1 | 7.3.0 Backbone.js | 1.3.3 | 1.4.0 Bash | 4.4 | 5.0 Bootstrap | 4.1.3 | 4.3 CakePHP | 3.6.2 | 3.7 Chai | 4.1.0 | 4.2.0 Clojure | 1.9 | 1.10 CMake | 3.12.1 | 3.14 CodeceptJS | 1.4.4 | 2.0.7 D | 2.083.0 | 2.085.0 D3.js | 5.7.0 | 5.9.1 Dart | 2.0.0 | 2.2.0 Docker | 17.06 | 18.09 Drupal | 8.1.7 | 8.6 Electron | 2.0.2 | 4.0.8 Elixir | 1.7.3 | 1.8.1 Ember.js | 2.15.0 | 3.8 ESLint | 5.8.0 | 5.15.1 Fish | 2.7.1 | 3.0.1 Flow | 0.85.0 | 0.94.0 GCC | 7.3.0 | 8.3 Git | 2.19.1 | 2.21.0 GNU Fortran | 7.3.0 | 8.3 Go | 1.11.2 | 1.12 Grunt | 1.0.1 | 1.3.2 Handlebars.js | 4.0.12 | 4.1.0 Homebrew | 1.8.1 | 2.0.3 Immutable.js | 3.8.1 | 4.0.0-rc.12 InfluxData | 1.3 | 1.7 Jekyll | 3.7.2 | 3.8.5 Jest | 23.5.0 | 24.1 Julia | 1.0.1 | 1.1.0 Knockout.js | 3.4.2 | 3.5.0 Koa | 2.6.1 | 2.7.0 Kotlin | 1.2.41 | 1.3.21 Laravel | 5.7.7 | 5.8.3 Leaflet | 1.3.4 | 1.4.0 Less | 2.7.2 | 3.9.0 LÖVE | 0.10.2 | 11.2 Meteor | 1.5.2 | 1.8 Mocha | 5.2.0 | 6.0.2 Modernizr | 3.5.0 | 3.7.0 Moment.js | 2.22.1 | 2.24.0 Mongoose | 4.13.1 | 5.4.18 Ruby | 2.5.3 | 2.6.1Up-to-date documentations (34)
Documentation | Scraper version | Latest version -|-|- Ansible | 2.7.1 | 2.7 Apache HTTP Server | 2.4.37 | 2.4 Apache Pig | 0.17.0 | 0.17.0 Async | 2.6.1 | 2.6.1 Bluebird | 3.5.1 | 3.5.3 Bottle | 0.12.13 | 0.12 Bower | 1.8.4 | 1.8.8 Chef | 12.13 | 12.13 Codeception | 2.5.1 | 2.5.4 CodeIgniter | 3.1.8 | 3.1.10 CoffeeScript | 2.3.0 | 2.3.2 Cordova | 8.1.2 | 8 Crystal | 0.27.0 | 0.27.2 Django | 2.1.0 | 2.1 Dojo | 1.10 | 1.10 Erlang | 21.0 | OTP 21.2 Express | 4.16.3 | 4.16.4 Falcon | 1.4.1 | 1.4.1 Godot | 3.0.6 | 3.0 Graphite | 1.1.4 | 1.1.5 Haskell | 8.6.1 | 8.6.4 Haxe | 3.4.7 | 3.4.7 Jasmine | 3.3.0 | 3.3.0 jQuery | 3.3.1 | 3.3.1 jQuery Mobile | 1.4.5 | 1.4.5 jQuery UI | 1.12.1 | 1.12.1 JSDoc | 3.5.5 | 3.5.5 Liquid | 4.0.0 | 4.0.2 lodash | 4.17.10 | 4.17.11 Lua | 5.3.4 | 5.3 Marionette.js | 4.0.0 | 4.0.0 Matplotlib | 3.0.0 | 3.0.3 Ruby / Minitest | 5.11.3 | 5.11.3 Ruby on Rails | 5.2.2 | 5.2.2Documentations that could not be checked (65)
Documentation | Reason -|- C | `options[:release]` does not exist C++ | `options[:release]` does not exist CSS | `options[:release]` does not exist DOM | `options[:release]` does not exist DOM Events | `options[:release]` does not exist HTML | `options[:release]` does not exist HTTP | `options[:release]` does not exist JavaScript | `options[:release]` does not exist Markdown | `options[:release]` does not exist nginx | `get_latest_version` is not implemented nginx / Lua Module | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Nim | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Node.js | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Nokogiri | `get_latest_version` is not implemented npm | `get_latest_version` is not implemented NumPy | `get_latest_version` is not implemented OpenJDK | `get_latest_version` is not implemented OpenTSDB | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Padrino | `get_latest_version` is not implemented pandas | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Perl | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Phalcon | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Phaser | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Phoenix | `get_latest_version` is not implemented PHP | `get_latest_version` is not implemented PHPUnit | `get_latest_version` is not implemented PostgreSQL | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Pug | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Puppeteer | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Pygame | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Python | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Q | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Qt | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Ramda | `get_latest_version` is not implemented React | `get_latest_version` is not implemented ReactNative | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Redis | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Redux | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Relay | `get_latest_version` is not implemented RequireJS | `get_latest_version` is not implemented RethinkDB | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Rust | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Sass | `get_latest_version` is not implemented scikit-image | `get_latest_version` is not implemented scikit-learn | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Sinon.JS | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Socket.IO | `get_latest_version` is not implemented SQLite | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Statsmodels | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Support Tables | `options[:release]` does not exist SVG | `options[:release]` does not exist Symfony | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Tcl/Tk | `get_latest_version` is not implemented TensorFlow | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Terraform | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Twig | `get_latest_version` is not implemented TypeScript | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Underscore.js | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Vagrant | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Vue.js | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Vulkan | `get_latest_version` is not implemented webpack | `get_latest_version` is not implemented XSLT & XPath | `options[:release]` does not exist Yarn | `get_latest_version` is not implemented Yii | `get_latest_version` is not implemented