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JEP-014 - String Functions #102

Closed springcomp closed 1 year ago

springcomp commented 1 year ago

String Functions

JEP 14
Author Maxime Labelle, Chris Armstrong (GorillaStack)
Created 13-October-2022
Status Draft
[Discussion #21] #21


This JEP introduces a core set of useful string manipulation functions. Those functions are modeled from functions found in popular programming languages such as JavaScript and Python.



int find_first(string $subject, string $sub[, int $start[, int $end]])

Given the $subject string, find_first() returns the index of the first occurence where the $sub substring appears in $subject or null.

The $start and $end parameters are optional and allow to select where find_first() must perform its search within $subject.

Contrary to similar functions found in most popular programming languages, the find_first() function does not return -1 if the occurrence of the $sub substring cannot be found. Instead, it returns null for consistency reasons with how JMESPath behaves.


Given Expression Result
"subject string" find_first(@, 'string') | 8
"subject string" find_first(@, 'string', `0`) | 8
"subject string" find_first(@, 'string', `0`, `14`) | 8
"subject string" find_first(@, 'string', `-99`, `100`) | 8
"subject string" find_first(@, 'string', `0`, `13`) | null
"subject string" find_first(@, 'string', `8`) | 8
"subject string" find_first(@, 'string', `9`) | null
"subject string" find_first(@, 's') | 0
"subject string" find_first(@, 's', 1) | 8


int find_last(string $subject, string $sub[, int $pos])

Given the $subject string, find_last() returns the index of the last occurence where the $sub substring appears in $subject or null.

The $pos optional parameter allow to select where find_last() must perform its search within $subject.

If this parameter is omitted, It defaults to length($subject) - 1 which is the end of the $subject string. find_last() then searches backwards in the $subject string for the first occurrence of $sub.

Likewise, the find_last() function does not return -1 if the occurrence of the $sub substring cannot be found. Instead, it returns null for consistency reasons with how JMESPath behaves.

Given Expression Result
"subject string" find_last(@, 'string') | 8
"subject string" find_last(@, 'string', 8) | 8
"subject string" find_last(@, 'string', 7) | null
"subject string" find_last(@, 's', 8) | 8
"subject string" find_last(@, 's', 7) | 0


string lower(string $subject)

Returns the lowercase $subject string.


Given Expression Result
"STRING" lower(@) | "string"


string pad_left(string $subject, number $width[, string $pad])

Given the $subject string, pad_left() adds $width - length($subject) characters to the beginning of the string and returns a string of length $width.

The $pad optional string parameter specifies the padding character to use. If this parameter is omitted, pad_left() adds one of more ASCII space characters to the beginning of the string. If present, the $pad string must have a single character, otherwise, an error MUST be raised.

The pad_left() function has no effect if $width is less than, or equal to the length of the  $subject string.


Given Expression Result
"string" pad_left(@, `0`) | "string"
"string" pad_left(@, `5`) | "string"
"string" pad_left(@, `10`) | "    string"
"string" pad_left(@, `10`, '-') | "----string"


string pad_right(string $subject, number $width[, string $pad])

Given the $subject string, pad_right() adds $width - length($subject) characters to the end of the string and returns a string of length $width.

The $pad optional string parameter specifies the padding character to use. If this parameter is omitted, pad_right() adds ASCII space characters to the end of the string. If present, the $pad string must have a single character, otherwise, an error MUST be raised.

The pad_right() function has no effect if $width is less than, or equal to the length of the  $subject string.


Given Expression Result
"string" pad_right(@, `0`) | "string"
"string" pad_right(@, `5`) | "string"
"string" pad_right(@, `10`) | "string    "
"string" pad_right(@, `10`, '-') | "string----"


string replace(string $subject, string $old, string $new[, number $count])

Given the $subject string, replace() replaces all occurrences of the $old substring with the $new substring.

The $count optional parameter specifies how many occurrences of the $old substring in $subject are replaced. If this parameter is omitted, all occurrences are replaced. If $count is negative, an error MUST be raised.

The replace() function has no effect if $count is 0.


Given Expression Result
"aabaaabaaaab" replace(@, 'aa', '-', `0`) | "aabaaabaaaab"
"aabaaabaaaab" replace(@, 'aa', '-', `1`) | "-baaabaaaab"
"aabaaabaaaab" replace(@, 'aa', '-', `2`) | "-b-abaaaab"
"aabaaabaaaab" replace(@, 'aa', '-', `3`) | "-b-ab-aab"
"aabaaabaaaab" replace(@, 'aa', '-') | "-b-ab--b"


array[string] split(string $subject, string $search[, number $count])

Given string $subject, split() breaks on occurrences of the string $search and returns an array.

The split() function returns an array containing each partial string between occurrences of $search. If $subject contains no occurrences of the $search string, an array containing just the original $subject string will be returned.

The $count optional parameter specifies how many occurrences of the $search string are split. If this parameter is omitted, all occurrences are split. If $count is negative, and error MUST be raised.

If $count is equal to 0, split() returns an array containing a single element, the $subject string.

Otherwise, the split() function breaks on occurrences of the $search string up to $count times. The last string in the resulting array containing the remaining contents of $subject unmodified.

Note: The split() function was originally designed by Chris Armstrong. However, its behaviour has been slightly altered for consistency reasons.


Expression Result
split('all chars', '') [ "a", "l", "l", " ", "c", "h", "a", "r", "s" ]
split('/', '/') [ "", "" ]
split('average\|-\|min\|-\|max\|-\|mean\|-\|median', '\|-\|') | [ "average", "min", "max", "mean", "median" ]
split('average\|-\|min\|-\|max\|-\|mean\|-\|median', '\|-\|', `3`) | [ "average", "min", "max", "mean\|-\|median" ]
split('average\|-\|min\|-\|max\|-\|mean\|-\|median', '\|-\|', `2`) | [ "average", "min", "max\|-\|mean\|-\|median" ]
split('average\|-\|min\|-\|max\|-\|mean\|-\|median', '\|-\|', `1`) | [ "average", "min\|-\|max\|-\|mean\|-\|median" ]
split('average\|-\|min\|-\|max\|-\|mean\|-\|median', '\|-\|', `0`) | [ "average\|-\|min\|-\|max\|-\|mean\|-\|median" ]
split('average\|-\|min\|-\|max\|-\|mean\|-\|median', '-') [ "average\|", "\|min\|", "\|max\|", "\|mean\|", "\|median" ]



string trim(string $subject[, string $chars])

Given the $subject string, trim() removes the leading and trailing characters found in $chars.

The $chars optional string parameter represents a set of characters to be removed. If this parameter is not specified, or is an empty string, whitespace characters are removed from the $subject string.


Given Expression Result
" subject string " trim(@) | "subject string"
" subject string " trim(@, '') | "subject string"
" subject string " trim(@, ' ') | "subject string"
" subject string " trim(@, 's') | " subject string "
" subject string " trim(@, 'su') | " subject string "
" subject string " trim(@, 'su ') | "bject string"
" subject string " trim(@, 'gsu ') | "bject strin"


string trim_left(string $subject[, string $chars])

Given the $subject string, trim_left() removes the leading characters found in $chars.

Like for the trim() function, the $chars optional string parameter represents a set of characters to be removed. trim_left() defaults to removing whitespace characters if $chars is not specified or is an empty string.


Given Expression Result
" subject string " trim_left(@) | "subject string "
" subject string " trim_left(@, 's') | " subject string "
" subject string " trim_left(@, 'su') | " subject string "
" subject string " trim_left(@, 'su ') | "bject string "
" subject string " trim_left(@, 'gsu ') | "bject string "


string trim_right(string $subject[, string $chars])

Given the $subject string, trim_right() removes the trailing characters found in $chars.

Like for the trim() and trim_left() functions, the $chars optional string parameter represents a set of characters to be removed. trim_right() defaults to removing whitespace characters if $chars is not specified or is an empty string.


Given Expression Result
" subject string " trim_right(@) | " subject string"
" subject string " trim_right(@, 's') | " subject string "
" subject string " trim_right(@, 'su') | " subject string "
" subject string " trim_right(@, 'su ') | " subject string"
" subject string " trim_right(@, 'gsu ') | " subject strin"


string upper(string $subject)

Returns the uppercase $subject string.

Given Expression Result
"string" upper(@) | "STRING"


A new string_functions.json file will be added to the compliance tests.

gibson042 commented 1 year ago

I don't think "character" is a meaningful concept; strings should consistently be treated as sequences of code points. See also and .

springcomp commented 1 year ago

I don't think "character" is a meaningful concept; strings should consistently be treated as sequences of code points.

I think it should be fairly obvious that a string character in the JMESPath spec has the same definition as in the JSON specification.

I agree that most library implementations are currently broken, as you helpfully reported, with respect to Unicode surrogate pairs. But I do not feel this warrants a new definition in the JMESPath specification.

In my view, most concerns can be addressed by expanding the examples in the specification as well as ensuring the compliance tests covers those cases.

gibson042 commented 1 year ago

Interesting; I didn't realize that the IETF JSON specification made that mistake. The corresponding ECMA-404 text does use "code points" and specifically notes that "the JSON grammar permits code points for which Unicode does not currently provide character assignments", which gets to the crux of the issue—as noted in The Unicode Standard (normatively referenced by both JSON specifications), "not all assigned code points represent abstract characters... Surrogates and Noncharacters are assigned code points but are not assigned to abstract characters" (and the Unicode glossary notes "character" as a synonym of "abstract character").

However, I agree with you that the vocabulary ultimately doesn't matter too much if the actual behavior is clear and covered by compliance testing.