$ jpp --help
usage: jpp [-h] [-a] [-c] [-e EXPR_FILE] [-f FILENAME] [-r] [-R] [-s] [-u] [--unquoted] [--ast] [expression]
jpp is an extended superset of the jp CLI for JMESPath
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --accumulate Accumulate all output objects into a single recursively merged output object.
-c, --compact Produce compact JSON output that omits nonessential whitespace.
-e EXPR_FILE, --expr-file EXPR_FILE
Read JMESPath expression from the specified file.
-f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
The filename containing the input data. If a filename is not given then data is read from stdin.
-r, --raw-output If the final result is a string, it will be printed without quotes (an alias for --unquoted).
-R, --raw-input Read raw string input and box it as JSON strings.
-s, --slurp Read one or more input JSON objects into an array and apply the JMESPath expression to the resulting array.
-u, --unbox If the final result is a list, unbox it into a stream of output objects that is suitable for consumption by --slurp mode.
--unquoted If the final result is a string, it will be printed without quotes.
--ast Only print the AST of the parsed expression. Do not rely on this output, only useful for debugging purposes.
There's also a golang implementation in https://github.com/jmespath/jp/pull/30.