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Post Ideas : A guide to better C/C++ programming #11

Open jmgomez-IAA opened 6 years ago

jmgomez-IAA commented 6 years ago

Algunos enlaces sobre un post:

jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago
jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago
jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago
jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago
jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago
jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago
jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago
jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago

Visual Studio C++ y XAML


Ahora se lleva esto, se emplear C++ estandar con las runtime the Microsoft.

Introduction to C++/WinRT


Algunas guias de como hacer buenas interfaces de usuario


Frequently-asked questions about C++/WinRT


hello world with UWP Move to C++/WinRT from C++/CX


Work with the designer for UI

In the solution explorer select the MainPage.xaml, an UWP solution is composed of sources files in C++ (.cpp) and UI files in XAML (.xaml)

jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago


Make the most of Xerces-C++

Xerces-C++ Xerces-C++ is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++.

Algunas intrucciones extra en este post: Parsing XML with Xerces-C C++ API

Download Xerces-C source from one of the mirror sites. Unpack the downloaded file: tar -xzf xerces-c-3.0.1.tar.gz Go to unpacked directory: cd xerces-c-3.0.1 $]# ./configure --prefix=/srv/share/Workspace/librarires/ Build: make $]# make Install: make install $]# make install

Esto lo nos deja listo en /srv/share/Workspace/librarires/ los .h y las librerias. En nuetra compilación debemos incluir:

Compiler flags: -I/srv/share/Workspace/librarires//include
Linker flags: -L/srv/share/Workspace/librarires/ lib -lxerces-c
jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago


Una buena herramienta comienza con su compilador.

GNome developer centrer tutorail

Autoconf Guide

Wiki Style Guide

jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago

Linux y Visual Studio

jmgomez-IAA commented 4 years ago


Update GCC in CentOs 6