jmgomez-IAA / loogbook

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Posts Ideas: Programas utiles #29

Open jmgomez-IAA opened 5 years ago

jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago

Administracion Sistemas



cpu-z.install inxi `yum install inxi'

Discos Duros

[crystaldiskinfo]() du -sh dire/patter*Size of folder or files in folder

Tareas Programadas

Systemd Timers & Services

Utiles varios

[hashtab] (Calcular hashes de ficheros.)

Gestor de paquetes y programas

[checkinstall](] Chocolatey

choco install notepadplusplus.install 7zip.install putty.install git gimp vlc handbrake.install audacity filezilla keepass.install


Bootable disk and images

Rufus 3.5




Netowrk Analisys

[winpcap ] [whireshark] ss Checks the open connectinos of the system

netcat y su alias nc TCP/IP swiss army knife


pacman -S nmap


Gestores de ventanas

i3wm El mejor bspwm Una sola ventana, arboles binarios. Bueno para el portatil.


fdupes Elimina ficheros duplicados

Elimina ficheros duplicados en las carpetas srv y watchfolder, pero los elimina de la carperta srv $ fdupes --recurse srv/ watchfolder/ | sed '/^srv/d; /^$/! s/.*/"&"/' | xargs rm

jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago

Graficos e imagenes

Visor de Imagenes


Editor imagnes


Graficos vectoriales

Inkscape, kscape is an open-source vector graphics editor similar to Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, or Xara X.

jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago

Edicion de Audio


jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago



Descargar Videos



Opciones interesantes:

Descargar en mp3: --extract-audio --audio-format mp3

youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s"

Para elegir elementos a descargar: --playlist-start, --playlist-end, --playlist-reverse or --playlist-items to achieve this goal.

For example to download 2 through 8: youtube-dl -c -f '...' --playlist-start 2 --playlist-end 8

To download first 5: youtube-dl -c -f '...' --playlist-end 5

From 7 onward youtube-dl -c -f '...' --playlist-start 7

Or to download 2,4,6: youtube-dl -c -f '...' --playlist-items 2,4,6

Or even specify a range of videos: youtube-dl -c --playlist-items 2-3,5,8-10,18

To get the last ones you should use --playlist-reverse, for example for last 6: youtube-dl -c -f '...' --playlist-end 6 --playlist-reverse

Conversor de Video

Handbrake Convierte practicamente de cualquier formato alos actuales.

jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago

Gestor de Contraseñas

Gestor contraseñas

KeePass, KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way.

jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago


Redes Sociales

Franz, because this app is not a standalone messaging software instead it’s a host application which supports hundreds of online chat and messaging services into one software. Support FB messenger, Slack, WhatsApp, HipChat, WeChat, Telegram, Skype, Google Hangout and much more.

Correo Electronico


jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago

Libros, text y ofimatica


plantuml, permite crear diagramas empleando código. yED permite crear diagramas graficamente.


[pdfsam.install], Split, merge, rotate, mix and extract pages from PDF files with PDFsam Basic at home or at work.

iLovePdf online tool for managing PDFs. pdftk Manejo de PDFs para el dia a dia. Unir varios ficheros pdf en un solo pdf. pdftk dummy1.pdf dummy2.pdf cat output dummy_merged.pdf Unir varios ficheros con wildcard pdftk *.pdf cat output combined.pdf

Encriptar pdftk dummy.pdf output dummy.128.pdf owner_pw foo user_pw 123

Desencriptar pdftk dummy.128.pdf input_pw 123 output dummy.unsecured.pdf

Manaejo Libraos Electronico


Editores Texto

Notepad pluspus sublime Text

Editores Latex

Emacs + Auctex sudo yum install emacs sudo yum install emacs-auctex emacs-auctex-doc

jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago



Imagen de forocoches

Requiere instalar MSVC2010 MSVC2013, choco install msvisualcplusplus2013-redist choco install vcredist2010

Mando Ps3 en PC

choco install msvisualcplusplus2013-redist choco install vcredist2010 choco install dotnet4.5.2

ScpToolkit v1.6.238.16010

jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago




Eclipse is one of the most widely used IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for the Java application development. Integrated Development Environment or IDE provides many features such as authoring, modifying, compiling, deploying and debugging software. Development environments include the Eclipse Java development tools (JDT) for Java, Eclipse CDT for C/C++ and Eclipse PDT for PHP, among others.


Open a terminal (Applications >> System Tools >> Terminal) and then switch to root user.

$ su -

Install Java

Before installing Eclipse, make sure you have installed JDK on your machine. You can either install Oracle JDK or OpenJDK.

For this post, I will use OpenJDK 8 here. $ yum -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk

Verify the Java version on your machine.

$ java -version

openjdk version "1.8.0_212" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_212-b04) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.212-b04, mixed mode)

Install Eclipse

Download latest eclipse package (v2019-03) over from the official page using a web browser


Extract the Eclipse package to your desired directory (/opt).

$ tar -zxvf eclipse-java-2019-03-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz -C /opt

Symlink the Eclipse executable to /usr/bin path so all users in your system can use Eclipse IDE.

ln -sf /opt/eclipse/eclipse /usr/bin/eclipse

Setup Eclipse Menu Entry

Create a Gnome launcher. vi /usr/share/applications/eclipseide.desktop

Place the following content in the above file.

[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Eclipse IDE Comment=Eclipse IDE Exec=/usr/bin/eclipse Icon=/opt/eclipse/icon.xpm Categories=Application;Development;Java;IDE Version=1.0 Type=Application Terminal=0

Start Eclipse



Firmware/FPGA programming

dfu-util - Device Firmware Upgrade Utilities




Manage PowerShell variables: $env:PATH += ";C:\Workspace\software\editores\emacs\bin"

Obtener ayuda de un comando help new-item -full


grmon es la herramienta de debug:

Para lanzarlo: # /opt/grmon/grmon -u -uart /dev/ttyUSB0

Las lincencias las maneja la llave usb:

Sentinel HASP LDK RedHat and SuSE RPM Run-time Installer 7.80 Sentinel HASP, HASP HL, HASP4, Hardlock, Sentinel LDK Linux / SuSE & RedHat 8 MB 2018-04-12

Para instalar en centos 7: # rpm -i aksusbd-redhat-1.8.1-2.i386.rpm

Para instalar en ArchLinux: Download Sentinel HASP/LDK Linux Intel Runtime Installer Script 7.81

# tar -xzf Sentinel_LDK_Linux_Run-time_Installer_script.tar.gz 
# cd Sentinel_LDK_Linux_Run-time_Installer_script
# tar -xzf aksusbd-7.81.1.tar.gz

# cd aksusbd-7.81.1
# chmod +x dinst
# ./dinst
# ls /var/aksusbd

al instalar GRMON fallan dependias, mil!!!

Una vez instalado, para lanzarlo tenemos que ejecutar: # sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/aksusbd start

Tal vez podemos meterlo en un

jmgomez-IAA commented 5 years ago

Utilidades Online

Intercambio de ficheros

Expresiones regulares

jmgomez-IAA commented 4 years ago

Base de datos


mysql-workbench en CentOS 7

Tenemos que instalar los reposotorios de mysql

$ wget
$ wget
$ sudo yum install ./mysql-community-release-el7.5.noarch.rpm
$ sudo yum install ./mysql-community-release-el7.rpm 

Finalmente instalamos mysql-workbench $ sudo yum install mysql-workbench

jmgomez-IAA commented 4 years ago



jmgomez-IAA commented 4 years ago



System Recovery

Corrupted file system

fsck /dev/mmcblk0p2 Spinrite

For some reason I've same problem and "-a" made it work. So I guess it's a bug in fsck.vfat.

jmgomez-IAA commented 4 years ago



[hexdump ()] $ hexdump -e ' [iterations]/[byte_count] "[format string]" ' As you might guess, this means apply format string to groups of byte_count bytes, iterations times. Format string is like printf.

Realiza la operación format string iteracino es veces sobre byte_counts datos. Por ejemplo: Ejecuta dos operaciones, en primer lugar 16 veces sobre un byte hace un printf(%.2x) y despues hace printf("\n"). $ hexdump -v -e '16/1 "%.2x "' -e '"\n"' fich.bin it: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

52 04 d8 3d 8c d3 f7 87 80 00 5b 38 fa b6 af 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 a6 62 f9 dc 0d 3d f7 87 80 00 b1 a9 aa b2 8d 2c

jmgomez-IAA commented 4 years ago

Eclipse Help ->A dd new software C/C++ GCC Cross Compiler Support Developer Resources C/C++ GDB Hardware Debugging Developer Resources