jmhobbs / domain-swap

Extension to switch domains in Google Chrome without switching paths.
MIT License
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Code organization #9

Open jmhobbs opened 11 years ago

jmhobbs commented 11 years ago

So, I moved a bunch of code around, but I'm not really a JS guy.

Recommendations on design and code appreciated.

+@zachleat +@mattdsteele

zachleat commented 11 years ago

Comma first var declarations—my eyes!!!! :p

zachleat commented 11 years ago

@mattdsteele is probably more of an expert on this, but I try to structure my code such that none of my functions select DOM elements $('...') or getElementById (etc) inside of the function. This improves reusability and testability.

jmhobbs commented 11 years ago

@zachleat is there an bast-practices style guide most JS devs use?

zachleat commented 11 years ago

Ah, yes! is a very popular one.

mattdsteele commented 11 years ago

I like automating my standard code styling (stuff like trailing commas; avoiding global variables, etc), and JSHint is the way to go for that. Plus there's a Grunt plugin!

On a higher structural level, there's lots of ways to do it. I like the approach of defining DOM selectors in one place, makes modularization and testing easier as well. Kind of like how this code does it in the el object.

You probably don't need a full RequireJS build for this, but you could get 80% of the benefit it provides by making your implicit dependencies explicit. The way I do that is wrap objects inside an IIFE and pass in the implied global variables as parameters. e.g. for options.js:

(function(DomainSet, Storage) {

  //actual implementation

})(DomainSet, Storage);

Plus, if you ever wanted to make your code AMD compatible, this is basically how the code ends up looking.

zachleat commented 11 years ago


jmhobbs commented 11 years ago

@mattdsteele thanks for the detailed answer (with links!)

I'll give it a shot at refactoring.