jmichault / PersonFS

«gramplet» por interfaco kun FamilySearch
GNU General Public License v3.0
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First look at the Plugin: "Failed loading plugin" #4

Open emyoulation opened 1 year ago

emyoulation commented 1 year ago

Hi. Just saw that you are experimenting with a Gramps Tool add-on. thanks for sharing!

After selecting : "Tools -> Family Tree Processing -> Importo de FamilySearch datoj...", the following "Failed loading plugin" error dialog appears: image

The Statusbar warning was : WARNING ._manager: Plugin error (from 'Importo'): No module named 'requests'

jmichault commented 1 year ago

La python-modulo «requests» devas esti instalita. Se vi uzas la "AIO" versio por "Windows« de gramps, ĝi ne povas funkcii. Vi devas uzi gramps en "Linux"

The "requests" python module must be installed. If you are using the "AIO" for "Windows®" version of gramps, it may not work. You must use gramps on Linux

emyoulation commented 1 year ago

Thank you. I now have Gramps on a Fedora Linux computer. and am 1 step closer: image

Pmcb04 commented 1 year ago

I installed this gramplet in the version 5.1.5 of Gramps and not working. I'm using linux and I executedpip install --upgrade requests gedcomx-v1 command and not working. Please I need help.