jmimu / AITD_PakEdit

Ressource editor for Alone In The Dark
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Info on version differences #1

Open LotBlind opened 1 year ago

LotBlind commented 1 year ago

Hey there, me and a friend have been studying the game for years now and we know a lot about it. Your TODO lists that you were going to look into version differences but we can save you some effort. I've written the stuff I know about down below. Us two (LotBlind and my friend tigrou) are mainly studying it for speedrun purposes over on Speed Demos Archive but it's resulted in all kinds of random knowledge some of which is found in the same guide I link to below.

If you want to know what the LIFEs and ANIMs are, you can get those from this file (LISTANIM and LISTANI2 are combined in it):

The only differences between floppy and CD-ROM in the collider data (ETAGE) is listed here:

Search for "small differences in the room/collider data".

The only difference in the ANIM data is one added ANIM that has no keyframes, just an offset, used to make climbing a little more consistent in the CD-ROM release it seems.

The only difference in the LIFE data, other than changes made to SFX and music, is that the code related to climbing and falling has been shuffled around a bit and some code was moved to a new LIFE, causing other LIFE numbers to be thrown off. I'm working on updating that part of the guide to reflect on this but here are my notes as of right now if you're interested:

"#552 FLOPPY vs. LIFE 552 and LIFE 559 (new) CD_ROM:

It's very difficult to imagine these changes amount to any real gameplay differences other than what the new ANIM creates.

jmimu commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the information, I'll update the repo.

atkotter commented 1 month ago

The 3DO port of AITD is also compatible with the tool, so the pak file formats did not change much, if at all, between the CD-ROM release and the port.