See: #3263
A migration issue for the Studio will be created after the merging. The migration should add an application to preserve the old export behavior.
* Export all columns.
ALL_COLUMNS(column -> true),
* Export only visible columns.
You can set filtering options using jmix.gridexport.default-columns-to-export application property or using a properteis in the Component Inspector.
The default value for new projects: VISIBLE_COLUMNS
Migration will add the old value to the
See: #3263 A migration issue for the Studio will be created after the merging. The migration should add an application to preserve the old export behavior.
UPD: Studio issue: JST-5316
Added three options for export column filtering:
Predefined column filter predicate (enumeration)
You can set filtering options using
application property or using aproperteis
in the Component Inspector. The default value for new projects:VISIBLE_COLUMNS
Migration will add the old value to
.This filtering option has the lowest priority.
Flexible filtering predicate (install point)
Provides the same functionality as enumeration above.
This filtering options has the secondary priority.
Specefying keys of columns for filtering (list of keys)
Using the Component Inspector, you can specify column keys to export.
This filtering option has the primary priority.