jmix-framework / jmix

Jmix framework
Apache License 2.0
561 stars 118 forks source link

Tags are highlighted in red in BPMN Process #597

Open reznikova21 opened 2 years ago

reznikova21 commented 2 years ago

Environment: Jmix version: 1.1.0 Jmix Studio plugin version: 1.1.SNAPSHOT3818-213 IntelliJ version: IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3 RC (Community Edition) MacOS The bug isn't reproduced in IDEA 212


  1. Create new jmix project
  2. Add BPM add-on
  3. New > BPMN Process > OK

ER: Tags should not be highlighted in red

AR: Tags are highlighted in red image

konyashkina commented 2 years ago


gorbunkov commented 4 months ago

Fixed in

tmusin commented 2 months ago

The highlighting of the xmlns:jmix="" attribute was not fixed. Developers still complain about this when they encounter other issues in Studio Modeler.

tmusin commented 3 weeks ago
Jmix properties schema JSON: ` { "name": "Jmix BPM", "uri": "", "prefix": "jmix", "xml": { "tagAlias": "lowerCase" }, "types": [ { "name": "BpmAssignable", "extends": ["bpmn:UserTask"], "properties": [ { "name": "assigneeSource", "isAttr": true, "type": "String" }, { "name": "assigneeValue", "isAttr": true, "type": "String" }, { "name": "candidateGroupsSource", "isAttr": true, "type": "String" }, { "name": "candidateGroupsValue", "isAttr": true, "type": "String" }, { "name": "candidateUsersSource", "isAttr": true, "type": "String" }, { "name": "candidateUsersValue", "isAttr": true, "type": "String" } ] }, { "name": "FormData", "superClass": ["Element"], "meta": { "allowedIn": [ "bpmn:UserTask", "bpmn:StartEvent" ] }, "properties": [ { "name": "type", "type": "String", "isAttr": true }, { "name": "openMode", "type": "String", "isAttr": true }, { "name": "screenId", "type": "String", "isAttr": true }, { "name": "businessKey", "type": "String", "isAttr": true }, { "name": "formParams", "type": "FormParams" }, { "name": "formFields", "type": "FormFields" }, { "name": "formOutcomes", "type": "FormOutcomes" } ] }, { "name": "FormFields", "superClass": ["Element"], "properties": [ { "name": "values", "type": "FormField", "isMany": true } ] }, { "name": "FormField", "superClass": ["Element"], "properties": [ { "name": "id", "isAttr": true, "type": "String" }, { "name": "caption", "isAttr": true, "type": "String" }, { "name": "type", "isAttr": true, "type": "String" }, { "name": "editable", "isAttr": true, "type": "Boolean" }, { "name": "required", "isAttr": true, "type": "Boolean" }, { "name": "properties", "type": "FormFieldProperty", "isMany": true }, { "name": "enumValues", "type": "FormFieldEnumValue", "isMany": true } ] }, { "name": "FormFieldProperty", "superClass": [ "Element" ], "properties": [ { "name": "name", "type": "String", "isAttr": true }, { "name": "value", "type": "String", "isAttr": true }, { "name": "system", "type": "Boolean", "isAttr": true } ] }, { 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