jmix-framework / jmix

Jmix framework
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NPE when adding task listener to a UserTask #716

Closed gorbunkov closed 2 years ago

gorbunkov commented 2 years ago

Jmix Version: 1.2.2

Create any TaskListener in the project, e.g.:

import org.flowable.engine.delegate.TaskListener;
import org.flowable.task.service.delegate.DelegateTask;

public class SomeTaskListener implements TaskListener {

    public void notify(DelegateTask delegateTask) {

Open the modeler Add a UserTask Add a task listener to the UserTask

After the task listener editor is closed, an NPE occurs:

    at io.jmix.core.common.event.EventHub.publish(
    at io.jmix.ui.model.impl.CollectionContainerImpl.fireCollectionChanged(
    at io.jmix.ui.model.impl.CollectionPropertyContainerImpl.lambda$getMutableItems$0(
    at io.jmix.ui.model.impl.ObservableList.fireCollectionChanged(
    at io.jmix.ui.model.impl.ObservableList.add(
    at io.jmix.ui.builder.EditorBuilderProcessor.lambda$buildEditor$0(
    at io.jmix.core.common.event.EventHub.publish(
    at io.jmix.ui.screen.Screen.fireEvent(
    at io.jmix.ui.screen.Screen.close(
    at io.jmix.ui.screen.StandardEditor.lambda$closeWithCommit$11(
    at io.jmix.ui.util.SuccessOperationResult.compose(
    at io.jmix.ui.screen.StandardEditor.closeWithCommit(
    at io.jmix.ui.screen.StandardEditor.commitAndClose(
artemy63 commented 2 years ago

QA notes: Prerequisites:

Next cases should be checked:

  1. User Notification add-on is not included in the project

    • open the BPM modeler, add simple process definition, startEvent -> userTask -> serviceTask -> endEvent
    • for userTask add some taskListener ER: taskListener successfully added
    • for serviceTask add some executionListener ER: executionListener susseccfully added
    • process definition successfully deployed
  2. User Notification add-on included in the project and property jmix.bpm.notification-sending-enabled=true set in file

    • open the BPM modeler, add simple process definition, startEvent -> userTask -> serviceTask -> endEvent
    • configure for userTask send notification element ER: successfully configured
    • for userTask add some taskListener ER: taskListener successfully added, nothing changed in send notification element definition
    • configure for serviceTask send notification element ER: successfully configured
    • for serviceTask add some executionListener ER: executionListener susseccfully added, nothing changed in send notification element definition
    • process definition successfully deployed
konyashkina commented 2 years ago

Tested on Jmix version: 1.2.999-SNAPSHOT Jmix Studio plugin version: 1.2.2-213 IntelliJ version: IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3 (Community Edition)