jmkeyes / keyrings.codeartifact

Python keyring backend for AWS CodeArtifact
MIT License
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Adding to conda-forge #5

Open nicholsn opened 6 days ago

nicholsn commented 6 days ago

Hi @jmkeyes! Thanks for putting this package together. I'd like to add it to conda-forge and have a PR staged at

Can I add you as the maintainer or should I keep it under my handle?

Hope this is ok!

jmkeyes commented 6 days ago

Hey @nicholsn! This looks good to me!

I don't use Conda that often myself, but I'm OK with being listed as a maintainer if it'll help out.

When I've managed Conda environment.yml files for Python projects, I usually list the requirements.txt in the dependencies section with something like this:

name: project
  - python
  - pip:
    - -r requirements.txt

I do this because it keeps up to date with the project as a whole and allows for the flexibility to continue using pip directly.

Is that also possible with a recipe's meta.yml?

nicholsn commented 5 days ago

Great, thanks @jmkeyes! I updated the PR to list you as the maintainer.

I think for meta.yaml you need to list out dependencies and they need to already be available in conda-forge or another channel, so it's independent from pypi.

I've been using a package manager called pixi that lets you do something similar to what you're doing by combining pypi and conda packages. I'm looking into using CodeArtifacts with pixi and came across a blog post for how to set this up using your library.

It looks like other options for keyring in Azure and Google are already available in conda so hopefully this will make it easier to set up!

nicholsn commented 5 days ago

Reopening - It looks like the PR linter failed because it requires that anyone listed as a maintainer needs to add a comment indicating that they approve.

Would you mind responding with a comment that you're ok with this at