jml / undistract-me

Notifies you when long-running terminal commands complete
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Broken for ZSH #60

Open Marenz opened 5 years ago

Marenz commented 5 years ago

The following lines in preexec.bash terminate the execution of the script and the triggers will not be installed

    set -o functrace > /dev/null 2>&1
    shopt -s extdebug > /dev/null 2>&1

Both commands trigger errors when run in zsh

jaromrax commented 5 years ago

It works in bash, not in zsh. Whatever it takes, is there any chance to get it working?

Marenz commented 5 years ago

I seem to have been able to install it somehow.. I believe I simply commented the lines...

grst commented 4 years ago

For zsh, there are great alternatives:

nsfoxer commented 4 years ago

For zsh, there are great alternatives:

Thank you!

sztomi commented 1 year ago

I made a fork-of-a-fork of undistract-me for zsh that can be installed with zplug: