jmmorato / openddsharp

OpenDDS wrapper for .NET languages
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Linux support #109

Closed jorgefm closed 2 years ago

jorgefm commented 2 years ago

Hi, Is Linux supported in openddsharp? I have last OpenDDS running in Ubuntu18.04 and I would like to know if is it possible to communicate the HelloWorld test demo with your openddsharp_standard_helloworld project in some way... Thanks!

jmmorato commented 2 years ago

Hola Jorge,

I'm working on it, current beta version support Linux but it is just that, a beta version and requires Visual Studio for the compilation.

Soon I will release a new beta with better support (also OSX supported) and able to develop direclty without Visual Studio.

jorgefm commented 2 years ago

Hola Jose Manuel! I've been able to generate the openddsharp following the steps in your build_linux (x64,Release). Is it possible to generate your 'openddsharp_standard_helloworld' too? I would like to be able to test a c# demo in linux and finally be able to communicate the helloworld from OpenDDS with your helloworld in c#... do you think is it possible?? Thanks!

jmmorato commented 2 years ago

I've been able to generate the openddsharp following the steps in your build_linux (x64,Release). Is it possible to generate your 'openddsharp_standard_helloworld' too?

The current openddsharp_standard_helloworld application uses the published NuGet package, so you don't need to compile OpenDDSharp by yourself. But to be compiled/modified requires Windows OS (it only compile against WSL and Visual Studio) due the current version requirements.

I would like to be able to test a c# demo in linux and finally be able to communicate the helloworld from OpenDDS with your helloworld in c#... do you think is it possible?

It is possible... if both applications uses the same IDL type, I mean, I didn't base that example in the OpenDDS example, so for sure it will need code modifications in openddsharp_standard_helloworld to make it work. If you plan to modify the example in Linux you should wait for next beta release. I could prepare some NuGet packages for you after the next PR in develop

jorgefm commented 2 years ago

The current openddsharp_standard_helloworld application uses the published NuGet package, so you don't need to compile OpenDDSharp by yourself. But to be compiled/modified requires Windows OS (it only compile against WSL and Visual Studio) due the current version requirements.

Well, I think I've been able to compile OpenDDSharp. Once installed dotnet-sdk-3.1 and dotnet-sdk-5.0 packages and generate a OpenDDS v3.18.1 in openddsharp/ext/OpenDDS_Linux I've done the next steps without error:

dotnet run --project Build/OpenDDSharp.Build.Standard/OpenDDSharp.Build.Standard.csproj -- --target=BuildOpenDDSharpNativeTask --exclusive --BuildConfiguration=Release --BuildPlatform=x64 --OpenDdsVersion=3.18.1 --IgnoreThirdPartySetup=True --IgnoreThirdPartyBuild=True

dotnet restore OpenDDSharp.Standard.sln --no-cache --configfile nuget.config dotnet restore Examples/ConsoleDemoCore/ConsoleDemoCore.csproj --no-cache --configfile nuget.config dotnet restore Tests/TestSupportProcessCore/TestSupportProcessCore.csproj --no-cache --configfile nuget.config dotnet restore Tests/OpenDDSharp.Standard.UnitTest/OpenDDSharp.Standard.UnitTest.csproj --no-cache --configfile nuget.config

dotnet msbuild -target:build Sources/OpenDDSharp.BuildTasks/OpenDDSharp.BuildTasks.csproj -property:Configuration=Release dotnet msbuild -target:build OpenDDSharp.Standard.sln -property:Configuration=Release -property:Platform=x64

dotnet test Tests/OpenDDSharp.Standard.UnitTest/OpenDDSharp.Standard.UnitTest.csproj --no-build --no-restore -v n -property:Configuration=Release -property:Platform=x64

Then I've try to do the same with openddsharp_standard_helloworld without luck:

$ cd openddsharp_standard_helloworld/TestMessage $ dotnet build TestMessage.csproj -r linux-x64 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Determining projects to restore...

Restored /home/jorge/develop/OpenDDSharp/openddsharp_standard_helloworld/TestMessage/TestMessage.csproj (in 9.13 min). Add Visual C++ to the PATH... /home/jorge/.nuget/packages/openddsharp.standard.idlgenerator/0.8.21289.1-beta/build/OpenDDSharp.Standard.IdlGenerator.targets(59,5): error : vswhere.exe not found: Visual Studio required version >= 15.2 [/home/jorge/develop/OpenDDSharp/openddsharp_standard_helloworld/TestMessage/TestMessage.csproj]


/home/jorge/.nuget/packages/openddsharp.standard.idlgenerator/0.8.21289.1-beta/build/OpenDDSharp.Standard.IdlGenerator.targets(59,5): error : vswhere.exe not found: Visual Studio required version >= 15.2 [/home/jorge/develop/OpenDDSharp/openddsharp_standard_helloworld/TestMessage/TestMessage.csproj] 0 Warning(s) 1 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:09:08.72

I suppose that's the warning you were talking about.

It is possible... if both applications uses the same IDL type, I mean, I didn't base that example in the OpenDDS example, so for sure it will need code modifications in openddsharp_standard_helloworld to make it work. If you plan to modify the example in Linux you should wait for next beta release. I could prepare some NuGet packages for you after the next PR in develop

Well, I'll be waiting for a working linux example. Changing the IDL from OpenDDS I think it will be easy


jmmorato commented 2 years ago

Hi again,

You can try with the last pre-release version following the new Getting Started article

jorgefm commented 2 years ago

Hi, I've been able to generate a HelloWorldPublisher and HelloWorldSubscriber following the instructions from the Getting Started and your openddsharp_standard_helloworld project. To run both apps I've to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to HelloWorld[Publisher|Subscriber]/bin/Debug/net6.0/runtimes/linux-x64/native

I've enabled the logging options -DCPSDebugLevel 10 -ORBDebugLevel 10 and I get:

$ ./HelloWorldSubscriber (5741|5741) INFO: set_DCPS_debug_level: set to 10 (5741|5741) NOTICE: Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory Going to load configuration from (5741|5741) NOTICE: using DCPSDebugLevel value from command option (overrides value if it's in config file) (5741|5741) NOTICE: Service_Participant::load_domain_ranges(): config does not have a [DomainRange] section. (5741|5741) NOTICE: TransportRegistry::load_transport_templates(): config does not have a [transport_template] section.

$ ./HelloWorldPublisher (5748|5748) INFO: set_DCPS_debug_level: set to 10 (5748|5748) NOTICE: Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory Going to load configuration from (5748|5748) NOTICE: using DCPSDebugLevel value from command option (overrides value if it's in config file) (5748|5748) NOTICE: Service_Participant::load_domain_ranges(): config does not have a [DomainRange] section. (5748|5748) NOTICE: TransportRegistry::load_transport_templates(): config does not have a [transport_template] section.

Both remains waiting forever for something...

In a working OpenDDS demo with the same traces enabled I get (5290|5290) INFO: set_DCPS_debug_level: set to 10 (5290|5290) NOTICE: Service_Participant::get_domain_participant_factory Going to load configuration from <../rtps.ini> (5290|5290) NOTICE: using DCPSDebugLevel value from command option (overrides value if it's in config file) (5290|5290) NOTICE: Service_Participant::load_domain_ranges(): config does not have a [DomainRange] section. (5290|5290) NOTICE: TransportRegistry::load_transport_templates(): config does not have a [transport_template] section. (5290|5290) NOTICE: Service_Participant::load_domain_configuration(): failed to open [domain] section - using code default. (5290|5290) NOTICE: StaticDiscovery::parse_topics no [topic] sections. (5290|5290) NOTICE: StaticDiscovery::parse_datawriterqos no [datawriterqos] sections. (5290|5290) NOTICE: StaticDiscovery::parse_datareaderqos no [datareaderqos] sections. (5290|5290) NOTICE: StaticDiscovery::parse_publisherqos no [publisherqos] sections. (5290|5290) NOTICE: StaticDiscovery::parse_subscriberqos no [subscriberqos] sections. (5290|5290) NOTICE: StaticDiscovery::parse_endpoints no [endpoint] sections. ...

Any hint?

jmmorato commented 2 years ago

Ok, I found it.

Looks that the is not copied correctly in the NuGet package and only is present the If you just copy paste it and rename it should work.

BTW, it is better to use dotnet build HelloWorldPublisher.csproj --runtime linux-x64 --no-self-contained to build the application, like that all files will be placed in the same folder. I will update the the tutorial later. You should modify your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the new location too.

jorgefm commented 2 years ago

Yes! Now it works :) I've take note about the parameters to generate the projects to take a look. Thanks!

jorgefm commented 2 years ago

Hi again! I've been testing it again. I thought wrongly that it was working fooled by all the tracing messages... Running the helloworld again without -DCPSDebugLevel 10 and -ORBDebugLevel 10 parameters I get that works ok when I run first the publisher then the subscriber, but the subscriber doesn't receive anything if I run first then the publisher. The publisher sends the message and exit ok in both situations. Maybe there is a method in the MessageDataReader to update the StatusChanges in this code?

        MessageDataReader messageReader = new(reader);

        Console.WriteLine("Wait for message...");
        while (true)
            StatusMask mask = messageReader.StatusChanges;
            if ((mask & StatusKind.DataAvailableStatus) != 0)
jorgefm commented 2 years ago

Setting publisher/subscriber QOS to ReliabilityQosPolicyKind.ReliableReliabilityQos seems to solve the issue...

jmmorato commented 2 years ago

Yes, that could happens with the current BestEffortReliability configuration and the good solution is what you applied. I will added to the Getting Started code to ensure always the reception.

I'm closing this ticket but feels free to open new Issues or Discussions about the subject.