jmmorato / openddsharp

OpenDDS wrapper for .NET languages
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Compile Openddsharp With Some Fixes #246

Open amielc1 opened 2 months ago

amielc1 commented 2 months ago

I need to use DDS via RtpsRelay (where multicast is not allowed). I discussed this with OpenDDS about this issue - they told me about the bug they resolved in the 3.28.1 version. So, I need to compile OpenDDSSharp with some of the specific changes Do you have a tutorial about how I can compile these changes?

Thanks a lot, Amiel

jmmorato commented 2 months ago

Sorry for my late response but I have been in a business travel the last two weeks with no access to my personal computer...

No, there is no documentation yet about building OpenDDSharp but the github actions only requires to change the OpenDdsVersion parameter in order to rebuild with a new version:

However, I foresee breaking changes due to the new versions of OpenDDS that should be adapted for a successful compilation.

I will work on that this week and add you as reviewer in the PR.

Thanks for your patience

amielc1 commented 2 months ago

@jmmorato Thank you a lot. Please update me once you update OpenDDS version. Amiel

amielc1 commented 2 months ago

@jmmorato Thank you for your latest changes, it's still doesn't work - when I use via RTPS Relay (in multicast everything ok ) -I asked this question in OpenDDS Thank you very much for your special work!!!

jmmorato commented 2 months ago

Ok, please keep me informed and if you need something else I will try to implement ASAP.

amielc1 commented 2 months ago

@jmmorato I want to make sure, I have this ini file for my Publisher : ( I took it from Open DDS Rtps Smoe Tests)

[common] DCPSGlobalTransportConfig=$file DCPSThreadStatusInterval=1 DCPSDebugLevel=10 ORBDebugLevel=10 ORBLogFile=Publisher.log

[domain/42] DiscoveryConfig=rtps_discovery

[rtps_discovery/rtps_discovery] SedpMulticast=0 SpdpRtpsRelayAddress= SedpRtpsRelayAddress= RtpsRelayOnly=1 SedpMaxMessageSize=1400

[transport/pub_rtps] transport_type=rtps_udp use_multicast=0 DataRtpsRelayAddress= RtpsRelayOnly=1 max_message_size=1400**

Do I need to explicitly load "pub_rtps" transport config Like use : TransportRegistry.Instance.BindConfig(configName, participant); , or does Open DDS load it by default?

jmmorato commented 2 months ago

Do I need to explicitly load "pub_rtps" transport config

No, it should be ok if you get the domain factory with the corresponding -DCPSConfigFile parameter.