jmoenig / Snap

a visual programming language inspired by Scratch
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Turn motions programmable (Codification) #1458

Closed HugopGhost closed 7 years ago

HugopGhost commented 7 years ago

I think it would be nice to be able to turn motions (xy coordination system) into a different language.

I am not an expert on this, but I assume it is easy for a few languages like Python. Couldn't find this noted as issue, sorry if it is a duplicate. If it is, please link me to it, I would like to know the problems of making this possible.

dekrain commented 7 years ago

You can develop your own parser e.g. in custom block. For example block motion program %code with args %mlt%s or in blocks grammar motion program [multiline] with args [] [] []...

jmoenig commented 7 years ago

Hi @HugopGhost , I'm curious to learn more about this idea / feature request. Can you perhaps tell us of an example what you'd like to be able to accomplish? Thanks!

cycomachead commented 7 years ago

What do you mean, like switching the the way point in direction works? If you wanted to use a different coordinate system you could make your own custom blocks - but they wouldn't "replace" the built in ones. (However, you could use the hide function to not show them to students.)

jeandrek commented 7 years ago

Do you want a DSL for moving?

HugopGhost commented 7 years ago

Hi, I am talking about the codification example to turn Snap blocks into Python/JS/C/Smalltalk. The motion tab is empty, and many other blocks seem to be missing.

brianharvey commented 7 years ago

Oh. In the sample project, Jens just made translations for the blocks he needed for the FizzBuzz example. Snap! just provides the ability to do codification; it's up to users to provide whatever translations they like.

You're right that it'd be straightforward to translate motions into other languages, but not so easy to provide the context in which motions happen in Snap!: multiple sprites, costumes, animated moving (glide). Providing a full translation for every Snap! feature would be really hard; that's one reason why we leave it up to the users to decide what features they need for their application.

cycomachead commented 7 years ago

Here's a good example of converting the motion blocks to Python's Turtle graphics module.

The XML file can be imported into Snap! and the file contains functions that cleaning expose some of the differenes between Snap! and python. (It should be pasted into the XML file so it's included in the output of the code block.