jmoenig / Snap

a visual programming language inspired by Scratch
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Can't import ypr-files that were converted sb-files (from Scratch 1.4) #284

Open mobluse opened 10 years ago

mobluse commented 10 years ago

These were Scratch 1.4 projects that I converted by opening them in BYOB 3.1.1 and saving and then imported into Snap! after using New. (In the documentation it says that Scratch 1.4 projects should be possible to import directly into Snap! but this doesn't work for me.)

You should change extension of these attached jpg-images to ypr.

The following can't be imported and I get the same error as many other get when trying to load ypr-files: "Load Failed: TypeError: Cannot call method 'setContents' of undefined". x10845221

This crashes the browser (Google Chrome Version 27.0.1453.110 i Ubuntu 10.04). xx13210102

These projects run without problems in BYOB 3.1.1 for Debian.

I have successfully loaded four (4) Scratch 1.4 projects into Snap!.

korvus81 commented 10 years ago

I'm having a similar issue importing a project I just made from scratch in BYOB 3.1.1, so I don't think it is a problem with Scratch projects. I get "Load Failed: TypeError: Cannot read property 'setContents' of undefined."

Is the YPR format documented anywhere? I can try to debug the code, but trying to figure out the file format from BYOB is likely to be the largest barrier...

brianharvey commented 10 years ago

That error message probably means that your project uses one of the 3.1 features not yet in Snap!, probably the OOP-related stuff.

korvus81 commented 10 years ago

Ok, I retract my statement. I was actually using the drum construct which I don't believe is in SNAP. After removing that, the project works. Thanks!

mobluse commented 10 years ago

My first project uses drum, but the second project does probably not use features not yet in Snap!.