jmoenig / Snap

a visual programming language inspired by Scratch
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: PyScript #3108

Open AlbertUnruh opened 1 year ago

AlbertUnruh commented 1 year ago

Hi, I want to know whether it's possible to get support for PyScript or not.

I think it would be beneficial for those who can't JS as good as PS.

(My idea was to have it act in the same way as JavaScript-blocks at the moment with the checkbox in the menu etc)

WarpedWartWars commented 1 year ago

I think support for Pyodide (the actual implementation of Python) would make more sense. And I'm going to make a fork for exactly that.

brianharvey commented 1 year ago

Talk with Brian Broll first, who's done essentially that already.

WarpedWartWars commented 1 year ago

He did?

brianharvey commented 1 year ago

What he did was make a version of the Stage, Sprites, etc., environment with the primitives available in Python. So you can do cool animations and stuff in Python code.

WarpedWartWars commented 1 year ago

Like Snap! in Python?

I've made the fork, (it's here, you can test it here--import the Pyodide library in it) but it doesn't work, and I don't know what's wrong with it.

brollb commented 1 year ago

We created something called PyBlox which is basically a native NetsBlox/Snap-like environment using Python instead of blocks. @dragazo is probably the best guy to talk to about it :) Here is a video about it: