jmoenig / Snap

a visual programming language inspired by Scratch
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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XML Image Drag and Drop Issue #3204

Open maryfries opened 1 year ago

maryfries commented 1 year ago

We are so exited about these XML images!!

We have lots to do to figure out how we'll implement them, but in the meantime, Michael and I caught this glitch when we were playing around dragging XML images from BJC (local copy) into Snap. It seems like if we don't click in Snap after dragging one in, even though it appears to drop, when we drag in the next one, we'll still have the previous one attached to the mouse pointer.

It would be ideal to get that fixed. Any ideas? Thanks! :)

maryfries commented 1 year ago

jguille2 commented 1 year ago

Mary, I can't reproduce this.

Which browser are you using? Or maybe it's an effect of your desktop configuration, or your video capture system?

When I do this... After dragging (when release the button) the image doesn't drop anywhere... it is just attached to the pointer... and so, you need to click to release the pointer. That behavior (the image dropping down just after releasing the dragging action) is not what I see in my tests.

maryfries commented 1 year ago

Hi Joan! I don't know which computer and browser I was on that day. On this machine (OSX 10.15.7, Chrome 111.0.5563.146, using my local copy of BJC and my local copy of Snap synced to 34eb21ff477af2f7afc5c2848fab65c9a3324cec; I'm using a local copy for CORS reasons), if I drag XML images from BJC into Snap, I get XML-free costumes, and if I download them first and them drag them in, I get the actual blocks without the aforementioned issue.

maryfries commented 1 year ago

...and I can still replicate it on the same machine in Safari version 15.6.1 (15613., 15613). I don't think it's my video capture system as I'm not using it at all now.

maryfries commented 1 year ago

Actually, I think I remember Jens saying that Safari is weird. Are there browser requirements listed anywhere on the Snap site? BJC currently says "For the best experience with Snap!, make sure your browser is up to date." Should that be changed to say that Chrome is preferred over Safari (and perhaps any other browsers)?

brianharvey commented 1 year ago

I don't think that page should discuss specific browsers unless someone's going to keep it up to date forever. The preferred browser keeps changing as one after another introduce new bugs.

jguille2 commented 1 year ago

Hi Mary I see some "browser issues" dragging images... but I'm a little confused about "this issue".

And what I see is:

I guess if your current issue (not the original) is about cache... And maybe your browser is serving you the cached "simple image" if you navigated before on the main branch of the repo copy.


cycomachead commented 1 year ago

Oh! I think this might be a https / http issue, but I'll need to test some more.

Wait, no that was a different issue.

What we saw was the dragging 1 image could work correctly, but then dragging an image the 2nd time presented a problem. It is a little confusing, because what seems to happen is that it's harder to "drop" the script. Once or twice it seemed like you needed to click twice to get the (correctly parsed) script to stick around.

As an aside, what I noticed when dragging an image and seeing it attached to the cursor, is that it's hard to tell it's a script you're dragging in and not that you still have an image attached. It looks like you're operating with the same image, but the thing the cursor is manipulating actually a script. So, I think while testing we were also getting a little confused. Even after accounting for this, we still saw some odd behavior, but it was hard to pin down exactly what's what.