jmoenig / Snap

a visual programming language inspired by Scratch
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Demo within block editor is affected by duplicate #3342

Closed brianharvey closed 2 months ago

brianharvey commented 2 months ago


I often include a little demo of a custom block within the block editor, below the block definition. Thus I can always test if any changes I make to the definition code work out well. Ans if anyone else would like to use the custom block (e.g. as part of a library), the demo is part of the documentation, showing how to use it.

However something strange happens when I make a duplicate of the original block (right-click at the block; select "duplicate block definition"): the demo code with the original block's definition is now calling the duplicate block.

jmoenig commented 2 months ago

Ugh, what an ugly bug! Thanks for reporting, will fix asap...