jmoenig / Snap

a visual programming language inspired by Scratch
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Change in reshape affecting old MAyflower project #3351

Open cymplecy opened 1 month ago

cymplecy commented 1 month ago

I loaded in my old Mayflower tracking project from a couple of years ago and noticed that my menus were distorted in V8 image

in V9 image

using git bisect I worked out it was due to this commit which changed the reshape reporter

The change that affect my project comes down to this difference in behaviour in V8 showHazard script pic (2)

where I relied on the fact that nothing is produced if 1st parameter is 0

but in V9, it returns showHazard script pic (1)

I can obviously work around this with an if but reporting it for you to decide if it's a bug or a new feature :)

cymplecy commented 1 month ago

The actual piece of code where I was relying on old behaviour

showHazard script pic (4) If second width < main width, nothing used to be appended