jmoenig / Snap

a visual programming language inspired by Scratch
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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How can I do to just show the player, not other parts? #495

Closed guidry closed 10 years ago

guidry commented 10 years ago

Hi~ I am an elementary school teacher in Taiwan. I found Snap very useful for teachers to make CAIs. However, after programming, we need just a pure player for students to finish their tasks. Students shouldn't be able to edit the program. In that case, how can I do to just show the player, not other parts? Thank you! ~Bill Xu

brianharvey commented 10 years ago

You can enter presentation mode, in which only the stage is visible, by clicking the little button with two outward diagonal arrows on the toolbar above the stage.

But it will always be possible for students to click the button again to see the programming view. We feel pretty strongly about this: Snap! is a tool to empower kids to program their computers, not a tool to disempower them.

Thus, for example, teachers asked for the ability to hide certain primitive blocks and we provided that, because it can be pedagogically useful, but it's always possible for the learner to re-show the hidden primitive blocks.

jmoenig commented 10 years ago

we could make it so that you could share the URL of a shared-in-the-cloud project in a way that would start in presentation mode but would not have the button to take you back to the editor. This would be very easy to add ...

haritop commented 10 years ago

Hello, everybody I have been developing a modification, with which you can literally hide everything(Sprites, the Stage sprite, primitives, scripts, local variables and custom blocks). The purpose of the modification, is to use Snap(which is actually a very powerful language) to create closed microworlds like Robomind or the "Hour of Code" activities, which are very effective in teaching specific subjects(loop, selection statements etc) to kids. Kids can still program, but only the part you want them to program(you can be as flexible as you like, hiding from nothing to everything). I'll come back with more details and examples, as soon as I finish it(probably in a couple of weeks). Greetings from Greece.

jmoenig commented 10 years ago

Wow @haritop, I can't wait to hear more about this project. I'd also love to see you demo it!

haritop commented 10 years ago

@ jmoenig: I've teaching IT and programming to high schools, for almost 20 years. Started with Turbo Pascal, Quick Basic, Logo and later Scratch and BYOB. BYOB hit me like a thunderbolt. It is by far the best tool ever created for teaching programming to kids, since Papert's Logo. Then came with its "hour of code", which also proven extremely successful in the classroom. My idea was, "why don’t we have them all in one place". I started experimenting with gaetanc 's work, but my approach took a different path. The project is almost ready. I just need some time to test it for major bugs and create some good examples(in the "Hour of Code" fashion). Jens, you are my true hero. My honest opinion is that you, together with Brian Harvey and the rest of Snap development team(and of course the Scratch team, who started it all), deserve a special place in computer history.

cycomachead commented 10 years ago

@haritop I would also love to see this and hear more about your approach as it's something a few of us at Berkeley have also (slowly) been working on.

brianharvey commented 10 years ago

Since everyone else is working on this and I think it's all a bad idea anyway, I'm closing this.