jmohler1970 / Palomar

Sample login site
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No Page Refreshes #4

Open jmohler1970 opened 7 years ago

jmohler1970 commented 7 years ago

No Page Refreshes

jmohler1970 commented 7 years ago

I am aware that this site does page refreshes. I would consider using vue.js or Angular 2 to meet this requirement. I would want to use whatever library is the most commonly used.

The reason I would chose vue.js is

In Vue, we also have render functions and even support JSX, because sometimes you do need that power. However, as the default experience we offer templates as a simpler alternative. Any valid HTML is also a valid Vue template, and this leads to a few advantages of its own:

For many developers who have been working with HTML, templates simply feel more natural to read and write. The preference itself can be somewhat subjective, but if it makes the developer more productive then the benefit is objective.

HTML-based templates make it much easier to progressively migrate existing applications to take advantage of Vue’s reactivity features.

It also makes it much easier for designers and less experienced developers to parse and contribute to the codebase.

You can even use pre-processors such as Pug (formerly known as Jade) to author your Vue templates.


My Primary Background

My primary background is not in SPA (Single Page Applications). I have migrated existing applications to use AJAX in the following ways:

These 3 combinations do not constitute a SPA, but they do seem cover about 90% of what SPAs are trying to do. I appreciate that different applications have different needs and that a full framework might be needed.