jmoiron / quantum-skies

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ev+ custom content brainstorm #2

Open jmoiron opened 4 months ago

jmoiron commented 4 months ago

Brainstorming later-game content.

Current content gets you to IV, which is quite a lot of gameplay. But the "pack" as it were is incredibly vanilla gregtech at the moment; outside of sieving, some custom ex-nihilo extensions, and the content from gtec, it's still a bit "GCP skyblock"

Not super interested in trying to work in classic end-game mods like Draconic Evolution, though Extended Crafting (with its singularities) might fit the theme.


It would be nice to have a fission reactor. There are a couple options here to do this in a custom way:

Naquadah Reactors / Rocket Fuel + Rocket Engines

Midgame GT power is kind of a drag. We don't strictly need single-block generators for EV/IV/LuV like, eg, GTNH does, because we have unlimited interdimensional power transfer.

GTNH has IC2 nukes, naqs, and rocket fuel to fill this gap, as well as viable thaumcraft lava HP steam production. The old Gregicality Skyblock pack had the GT++ chem plant rocket fuels (H8N4C204 was mega broken because it was supposed to be balanced by eating copper, but of course copper is trivially unlimited in skyblocks) and adding this stuff, even adding the chem plant, should be possible.

Orbital Resources

GCYR has the terrestrial planets + Luna out of the box, and includes orbit dimensions for each of those planets. Adding terrestrial resources that made it worthwhile to visit would be nice. In Nomifactory, nearly everyone sets up one of those custom lunar drilling stations, and of course gathers bauxite there. It would be fun if it were worth it to set up at least a limited base in various places across the solar system.

It would be nice to add gas giant orbits for orbital gas mining. Currently there is no way to get to the nether or the end, but it would be good to be able to provide access to nether air and ender air. By default, this is "Put this magic box in another dimension", so having that be an orbital dimension would be fine. Could add other gases to make it more lucrative, or integrate some of the unused byproducts from some of our processing chains.

Doing this seems more interesting than a void miner, even though it could be functionally identical.

End Game

What is the end game goal? Should we add Post-UV content?

Star Tech features stargates as a goal, with more endgame content being worked on, but frankly stargates feel very GTNH and we are already playing fast and loose with teleportation by having entangled, ender storage, and tempad.

The thin "story" as it were is sort of a Half-Life style 'resonance cascade' failure that sends you into another dimension where a bunch of handwavy physics stuff is wonky. A good end goal technology wise would be to build the GCYr dyson sphere to power a portal "back to your world", only to find that it's been destroyed (ie, it is the nether). It's possible that the best way to achieve this is with a stargate, but I'd like to work the sphere into it. It might be good if the sphere "had" to be build in proxima to produce the requisite power.