The function sqlx.Named seems to be registering extra bind variables. For example, if I do the following:
sqlx.Named(`select id, title, '' as link
from mytable
where id = (:input_id)`, map[string]interface{}{"input_id": 1})
I will get the following names
[]string{"", "input_id"}
which means sqlx.Named incorrectly identified the colon in '' as a beginning of a named argument. Is there a way to fix this or perhaps a workaround to this, as I do have regex + hardcoded urls in my CTE.
The function
seems to be registering extra bind variables. For example, if I do the following:I will get the following names
which means
incorrectly identified the colon in''
as a beginning of a named argument. Is there a way to fix this or perhaps a workaround to this, as I do have regex + hardcoded urls in my CTE.