jmolloy / pedigree

Pedigree operating system
ISC License
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mounts are confusing #15

Closed miselin closed 8 years ago

miselin commented 10 years ago

If you 'cd /dev', you end up on 'dev»/', and suddenly can't access any of the files on 'root»/' without a prefix. Because PATH is usually '/applications', not 'root»/applications', it suddenly becomes very difficult to run any programs.

Ideally getcwd() should also include the mount (eg, 'root»/') to make this more obvious.

miselin commented 9 years ago

Fixing the first part of the problem (PATH, library lookup, etc) is not too complicated (I have a basic fix in my working directory).

However, bash is proving to be much more complicated. Our absolute working directory will always be '»/...', but this does not have a leading '/'.

miselin commented 8 years ago

Patched bash now understands Pedigree absolute paths, and the tour command provides an introduction to the mounts.

We also have cdhelp to help with this too, when a user first cd's to another mount.