jmonlong / manu-vgsv
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Edits for the results section #75

Closed jeizenga closed 5 years ago

jeizenga commented 5 years ago

I have more comments in this section. Some of them are things that I was unclear on when I read it, but that also meant that I didn't quite know what to correct. I also made some more significant structural suggestions that I thought would be better to open up to discussion rather than to change myself in this PR.

I also expanded some of the figure captions. I think it's important to write figure captions so that they can be understood without reading the text, because people are going to skim the figures before they decide whether to read the paper. Unfortunately, that means including some repetitive information about the experimental set-ups.

glennhickey commented 5 years ago

Thanks @jeizenga!! Your PRs have been massively helpful.
@eldariont Can you address the remaining comments in the yeast section? I think they're mostly pretty simple. Some thoughts:

glennhickey commented 5 years ago

On a side note: looking it up after seeing @jeizenga's edits, I just learned that while us Comonwealthers don't use Oxford commas, Americans ironically do.

eldariont commented 5 years ago

Yes, this is on my list for tomorrow. Thanks to both of you for the good comments!

eldariont commented 5 years ago

Okay, I moved the mappability figure and text into the supplement and only mention it shortly in the main text. I also swapped mapping quality and perc. identity in the figures and explained why both are important. I replaced Pearson correlation with Spearman rank correlation because our data is bimodal, not normal. I also explained that missing SNPs and Indels might be behind the poor performance of the VCF graph as discussed in #76.

jeizenga commented 5 years ago

I think it looks good