jmoon018 / PacVim

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
3.24k stars 193 forks source link

Suggestion: To match actual `vim` behavior, `v` should be required for movements, otherwise jump #50

Open pklapperich opened 3 years ago

pklapperich commented 3 years ago

A question in #39 got me thinking about the game mechanics overall. In vim when you type b or B, the cursor JUMPs an entire word. But in the game, all text is selected as you move. It seems like the more correct thing to do would be that vb or vB would select as you move, but B or b would jump without selecting.

Now... 5l is defined in vim's documentation was "repeat l 5 times" so I think it would make sense to leave that as implemented and select 5 characters to the right while moving.

This would be a major change in the gameplay and obviously needs more discussion. Some questions:

My own opinions:

TamaMcGlinn commented 3 years ago

my opinion is that you should leave things as they are. Fun is more important than consistency, and is quite hard to achieve.

TamaMcGlinn commented 3 years ago

To expand on that; for me pacvim's purpose is to be a fun way of getting used to the basic navigation commands, so that afterwards, you move around in your vim window more easily, whether you are in visual mode, or most of the time, in normal mode.

Besides, letters turning green doesn't map 100% to visual mode, as going back again doesn't turn the letters white again. There's no way as far as I know in vim to select all of the letters in a pacvim level without also selecting the ~ mines or the red monsters.