Closed FezaCakir closed 3 years ago
Symbol "Scanners" was deprecated and now we need replace it by " Parser" .....
Well, there is some code to handle this issue....
here in line 371: (uFormBuildFPCCross.pas.pas)
{$IF LCL_FULLVERSION >= 2010000}
Why does this code fail?
Symbol "Scanners" was deprecated and now we need replace it by " Parser" .....
I will try as soon as possible. Thanks..
It's passed. But there is new error that is amw_ide_menu_items.pas(38,5) Error: Identifier not found "FpChmod"
procedure SaveShellScript(script: TStringList; const AFileName: string); begin script.SaveToFile(AFileName); {$ifdef Unix} FpChmod(AFileName, &751); {$endif} end;
amw_ide_menu_items.pas(1414,11) Error: Identifier not found "hProcAProcessess"
I guess it should be "AProcess"
AndroidManifest.xml is always have wrong variables and values. I guess, LAMW is not work correct. It seems better work with Android Studio.
In 'file:///home/......./AndroidManifest.xml' (line 3 pos 87): Expected whitespace.
Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption. Press Abort to kill the program.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
"I guess, LAMW is not work correct........"
You can "guess" but I can only try fix some "real" bug.....
just create a new project..... (don't compile it....!!!!!)
Zip it and send to:
I have just sent an email that includes project files. Regards.
The project error is here in manifest..... a terrible mess in this line:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="dummySdkApi" a14tSdkVersion="dummyTargetApi"/30rmission android:name="android.permission.NFC"/>
1) Maybe you "androidmanifest.txt" template in LAMW folder "......\android_wizard\smartdesigner\java" is messy/dirty !!!!
You can get the original from here:
and replace the one damaged in LAMW folder "......\android_wizard\smartdesigner\java"
2) or you LAMW is damaged ??? (Please, re-install LAMW !!!)
All options have done but there is still issue on AndroidManifest.xml
Hi there. I installed Laz4Android, Android SDK+NDK into Windows 7 x64. There is no issue. But, in Linux, problem is going on. Thanks.
uFormBuildFPCCross.pas(370,13) Error: Identifier idents no member "Scanners"
Lazarus 2.3.0 r65258 FPC 3.3.1 x86_64-linux-gtk2