jmpressjs / jmpress.js

A jQuery plugin to build a website on the infinite canvas
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Where should I download the CSS file(s)? #111

Closed d0ragon closed 11 years ago

d0ragon commented 11 years ago

I didn't find any anything about css files, which ones should I use? The only instruction I found was here: and it was pointing to here:, which is absent. So, is there anything in the docs that I didn't see? Or should I just download the css files from src/animations/basic folder?


sokra commented 11 years ago

Here is the correct link:

You don't need a special css for jmpress, this is just an example...

d0ragon commented 11 years ago

Wow, thanks for a quick response.

Okay, that's an example, but:

  1. What about default styles for steps? Are there any?
  2. What about animation styles? Animations (e.g. fade after 1s) were not working until I downloaded and included css files form src/animations/basic folder.
sokra commented 11 years ago
  1. Nope. You need to the at least width and height.
  2. Yes, for animations are rules required.
d0ragon commented 11 years ago

Okay, thanks a lot. But I think there should be an instruction, something like "if you want the animations to work, download these files", in the docs, because it was confusing.

Anyway, your framework is really awesome! You took impress.js and built a whole new world on top of it, you did a great job. You could say I'm really jmpressed!