jmpressjs / jmpress.js

A jQuery plugin to build a website on the infinite canvas
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Add an optional "laser pointer" cursor? #141

Closed gvsmirnov closed 10 years ago

gvsmirnov commented 10 years ago

I was recently giving a talk, where the presentation was translated on several screens simultaneously. So, I could not use my laser pointer, and had to resort to the mouse cursor. Now, I think some people might find it fun if the cursor in the presentation was resembling that red dot.

Here's a fiddle for it. Do you think making it a part of jmpress would make sense?

shama commented 10 years ago

Ha, while I don't think it should be a part of jmpress, it would make a fun example.

gvsmirnov commented 10 years ago

@shama I think this belongs to the "Community Examples" section of this wiki page. I do not have the rights to modify it, though.

Here's a link to my recent presentation, which uses Bootstrap together with jmpress, and also has a laser pointer cursor:

It would be nice if you or another contributor (say, @sokra) added this link to the page I mentioned above.

shama commented 10 years ago

Cool, added! Thanks for the neat example!

gvsmirnov commented 10 years ago

@shama thanks!