jmpressjs / jmpress.js

A jQuery plugin to build a website on the infinite canvas
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Is better documentation needed? #158

Open gaurav21r opened 9 years ago

gaurav21r commented 9 years ago

Guys, first of all. Great job! This is a fantastic framework! :+1:

As this is the port of impress.js there is one essential feature missing I think which will also contribute to jmpress.js 's development from the community.

The inline code documentation is certainly very very lacking although there is a good modular architecture. Compare it to the no so modular but beautifully documented

My team and I can work on inline documentation and send Pull Requests. But I wanted to conform from @sokra @shama whether they would be open to such a thing as I don't want our efforts to goto waste.

Personally, it took me quite some time to get around the code before I could contribute. Its certainly intimidating!

sokra commented 9 years ago

Sure you can work on documentation. :+1: We'll comment on and merge your PRs.

sokra commented 9 years ago

If you have any question about code fragments, feel free to ask.

JJ commented 9 years ago

Totally. I do have to work a lot through examples to get something done.

ramboldio commented 9 years ago


FagnerMartinsBrack commented 9 years ago

Any news on this one?

gaurav21r commented 9 years ago

Whoops, got busy with other projects! But definitely in my radar. Anyone else interested in contributing to this? We can share the workload.

JJ commented 9 years ago

Count me in if needed.