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Info for the presentator #24

Closed sokra closed 12 years ago

sokra commented 12 years ago

for presentation, there may be an option to display an extra window with notes for the presentator and a small view to the main screen.

so you can extend your screen to projector and notebook, move the windows according to the screen and so you notes on the notebook besides a view to the slides.

This should be a optional plugin.

sokra commented 12 years ago

oh i see bartaz got this idea too (3 hour later than me ;) ), but he admitted that a JS framework is required for that. We have jQuery. see

sokra commented 12 years ago

prototype finished...

luniki commented 12 years ago

So how does this work? I press "p" in my presentation and am redirected to a new page containing two iframes. I guess you are still working on this?

sokra commented 12 years ago

yes still in work, but it should work in chrome and safari...

it works like this: you press "p" and a popup opens. this popup contains two iframes. one iframe containing your presenation. navigation in this presentation also occurs in the orginal presentation. the other frame contains a html document with your notes for the presentation. the notes document is scrolled to the correct section.

communication is done via postMessage so it may be cross-origin.

firefox has problems because it blocks the popup...

i'll push it to sokra/jmpress.js/gh-pages if it is more mature.

luniki commented 12 years ago

Yeah, I worked that out, too. But how am I supposed to show only the first iframe to the projector?

sokra commented 12 years ago

It's released.

Move the slideshow to the projector. Press "P". Popup window opens Move the popup to your own screen. Navigate in the popup window.

sokra commented 12 years ago


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