jmpressjs / jmpress.js

A jQuery plugin to build a website on the infinite canvas
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Inline Attributes Issue #75

Closed Pixelous closed 11 years ago

Pixelous commented 12 years ago

Hi, first of all thanks for excelent plugin. I have an issue with inline attributes. I develop a theme for a CMS, so I can't to set a different inline attributes for each steps. For example, I can have 3 steps or 33 steps that are setting up via admin area. There is some way to solve it? I was thinking that Templates can help me but seems not.

shama commented 12 years ago

Sorry, I'm not understanding the issue. Why can't you set inline attributes?

Pixelous commented 12 years ago

I use WordPress, so my steps are the posts within the loop. It's just one line of code. I can't set different inline attributes, have u understand me? Maybe templates can help me?

shama commented 12 years ago

Can you point me to a link with an example of the issue? If it's an issue setting up WordPress to produce the inline attributes, I won't be able to help as I don't use WordPress.

Templates are useful for setting inline attributes programmatically and may help this circumstance depending on your HTML.

Pixelous commented 12 years ago

Shama, every CMS have loops, u know they use php foreach. For example:

div id="jmpress"
    foreach $steps as $step {
            $ i= 0;
        div class="step"Slide $i/div

Hope, now u have undersood me? Should I use templates? I have tried to use them but no luck, any help please?

shama commented 12 years ago

Yes I understand programming languages have loops :) What I don't understand is the issue you are having with jmpress.js.

If you're using PHP to build your HTML, why can't you do:

foreach ($steps as $step) {
  echo '<div class="step" data-x="' . $step['x'] . '" data-y="' . $step['y'] . '">';
  echo $step['content'];
  echo '</div>';

Please remember the above example is relies upon you creating the $steps array.

Pixelous commented 12 years ago

Yep, but if I want to hardcode my inline attributes? Will templates help me? I was trying this:

$.jmpress("template", "mytemplate", { children: function( idx, current_child, children ) { return { y: 400 ,x: -300 + idx * 300 ,template: "mytemplate" ,scale: 0.3 } } });

but no luck.

shama commented 12 years ago

Hardcode? Use HTML: <div class="step" data-x="100" data-y="100">Content</div>. Templates are for setting the attributes programmatically using jmpress and JavaScript and have nothing to do with WordPress or PHP.

Pixelous commented 12 years ago

How could I use this:

$.jmpress("template", "mytemplate", { children: function( idx, current_child, children ) { return { y: 400 ,x: -300 + idx * 300 ,template: "mytemplate" ,scale: 0.3 } } });

Any help?

shama commented 12 years ago

Without seeing a link to an example of the specific issue you are having with jmpress.js I cannot help you.

sokra commented 12 years ago

I neither unterstand the issue and a example would be great.

The guy in this video integrated jmpress.js with drupal (CMS):

shama commented 11 years ago

Closing. Please reopen if you still need assistance. Thanks!