I would like to apply effect decomposition on a MIcombined model generated using multiply imputed datasets.
However, I receive the following error: Error in UseMethod("neEffdecomp") :
no applicable method for 'neEffdecomp' applied to an object of class "MIresult"
I tried using the following code, but still was unsuccessful:
effdecomp = neEffdecomp(MIcombined(neMod), xRef = c("control", "level1"))
Is there some way to decompose effects for this multiple dataset object?
Thank you for your help and for offering a fantastic package,
I would like to apply effect decomposition on a MIcombined model generated using multiply imputed datasets. However, I receive the following error: Error in UseMethod("neEffdecomp") : no applicable method for 'neEffdecomp' applied to an object of class "MIresult"
I tried using the following code, but still was unsuccessful: effdecomp = neEffdecomp(MIcombined(neMod), xRef = c("control", "level1"))
Is there some way to decompose effects for this multiple dataset object?
Thank you for your help and for offering a fantastic package, Luz