I added a way to pass phantomjs command-line options.
Here is the current list... (from phantomjs -h):
--cookies-file=<val> Sets the file name to store the persistent cookies
--config=<val> Specifies JSON-formatted configuration file
--debug=<val> Prints additional warning and debug message: 'true' or 'false' (default)
--disk-cache=<val> Enables disk cache: 'true' or 'false' (default)
--ignore-ssl-errors=<val> Ignores SSL errors (expired/self-signed certificate errors): 'true' or 'false' (default)
--load-images=<val> Loads all inlined images: 'true' (default) or 'false'
--local-storage-path=<val> Specifies the location for offline local storage
--local-storage-quota=<val> Sets the maximum size of the offline local storage (in KB)
--local-to-remote-url-access=<val> Allows local content to access remote URL: 'true' or 'false' (default)
--max-disk-cache-size=<val> Limits the size of the disk cache (in KB)
--output-encoding=<val> Sets the encoding for the terminal output, default is 'utf8'
--remote-debugger-port=<val> Starts the script in a debug harness and listens on the specified port
--remote-debugger-autorun=<val> Runs the script in the debugger immediately: 'true' or 'false' (default)
--proxy=<val> Sets the proxy server, e.g. '--proxy=http://proxy.company.com:8080'
--proxy-auth=<val> Provides authentication information for the proxy, e.g. ''-proxy-auth=username:password'
--proxy-type=<val> Specifies the proxy type, 'http' (default), 'none' (disable completely), or 'socks5'
--script-encoding=<val> Sets the encoding used for the starting script, default is 'utf8'
--web-security=<val> Enables web security, 'true' (default) or 'false'
--ssl-protocol=<val> Sets the SSL protocol (supported protocols: 'SSLv3' (default), 'SSLv2', 'TLSv1', 'any')
--ssl-certificates-path=<val> Sets the location for custom CA certificates (if none set, uses system default)
--webdriver=<val> Starts in 'Remote WebDriver mode' (embedded GhostDriver): '[[<IP>:]<PORT>]' (default '')
--webdriver-logfile=<val> File where to write the WebDriver's Log (default 'none') (NOTE: needs '--webdriver')
--webdriver-loglevel=<val> WebDriver Logging Level: (supported: 'ERROR', 'WARN', 'INFO', 'DEBUG') (default 'INFO') (NOTE: needs '--webdriver')
--webdriver-selenium-grid-hub=<val> URL to the Selenium Grid HUB: 'URL_TO_HUB' (default 'none') (NOTE: needs '--webdriver')
I added a way to pass phantomjs command-line options.
Here is the current list... (from
phantomjs -h