function success(result){
function error(err){ alert("Oopsie! " + err); };`
But in the iOS device, it has shown Date error, so just I was send the current date as endDate and 2010-01-01 as startDate, but not working, error method also not calling
I am using this plugin in Android it is working perfectly with the below code
` function fun_name() { Applist.createEvent('', '', '', '', '', success, error); }
But in the iOS device, it has shown Date error, so just I was send the current date as endDate and 2010-01-01 as startDate, but not working, error method also not calling
nw1=new Date("2010-01-01"); nw=new Date(); Applist.createEvent('', '', '', nw1, nw, function(a,b,c){ debugger; }, function(a,b,c){ debugger; });