jmschrei / tfmodisco-lite

A lite implementation of tfmodisco, a motif discovery algorithm for genomics experiments.
MIT License
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(READY) Make motif database-based reporting optional #18

Closed bytewife closed 1 year ago

bytewife commented 1 year ago
jmschrei commented 1 year ago

Can you provide a screenshot of what the report looks like when you don't pass the motif database?

bytewife commented 1 year ago


for the command:

modisco report -i modisco_results.h5 -o report/

it outputs to reports/motifs.html:


and if we do:

modisco report -i modisco_results.h5 -o report/ -m JASPAR2022_CORE_vertebrates_non-redundant_pfms_meme.txt

it outputs to reports/motifs.tomtom.html:
